Monday 13 March 2017

Cover Characteristic: New York City

Cover Characteristic is a weekly feature hosted at Sugar & Snark! New York City is pretty high on my list of places I want to go to! So it turns out I have quite a few New York books on my shelves!

Sleepless in Manhattan (From Manhattan with Love, #1)Sleepless In Manhattan (From Manhattan with Love, #1)Sunset in Central Park (From Manhattan with Love, #2)Sunset in Central Park (From Manhattan With Love,  #2)
Miracle on 5th Avenue (From Manhattan with Love, #3)Miracle On 5th Avenue (From Manhattan with Love #3)New York, Actually (From Manhattan with Love, #4)New York, Actually (From Manhattan with Love, #4)
From Notting Hill to New York... Actually (Actually #2)I Heart New York (I Heart, #1)Jessie Hearts NYC (Hearts Series, #1)I'll Take New York

I've actually read all but one of these books (New York, Actually was just released and I am going to read it soon)! Unsurprisingly these are all contemporaries. I love the Sarah Morgan covers - I have the second of each cover choice (so the scenes rather than the silhouettes) but I honestly like both versions of the covers! I also really like the cover for I'll Take New York which is very striking. 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare), Facebook and Instagram to keep up with what we are reading.


  1. I'll Take New York is nice. So is From Notting Hill... but I also like the Sunset in Central Park (2nd) and Miracle on 5th (2nd one also). Great picks this week!

  2. I love all of these, but I'm biased, since I'm a New Yorker :D Fabulous list!

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

    1. Oh I'm jealous! I'd love to go to New York! :)

  3. Wow such great picks! I think the Notting Hill one is my fav!
    Sorry that this week's post was a little late!
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark
