Thursday 13 August 2015

Thursday Quotables 13th August

Thursday Quotables is a weekly meme hosted by Bookshelf FantasiesIts all about sharing a quote, passage, or line from a book that you have read recently. 

Ann: Today's quote is from The Essence by Kimberly Derting.

"I didn't say she was in danger. I said she was goin' to be murdered. Big difference."

The Essence

Clare: My quote is from The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan. I am really enjoying this book so far (although I think I still prefer Percy at the moment).

"We were alone in a strange mansion with a baboon, a crocodile, and a weird cat. And apparently, the entire world was in danger. 
I looked at Sadie. 'What do we do now?'
She crossed her arms. 'Well, that's obvious, isn't it? We explore the library.'" 
I love this quote because it's funny and also a tiny bit Hermione-esque. What makes it even better is that not five minutes before someone told them "whatever happens, do not go into the library. I absolutely forbid it."
The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles, #1)

You can find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) and on Twitter (Ann and Clare)


  1. Haha YES! There's always a time to explore the library I completely agree. Great quotes!

    1. The library holds all the answers! Always! Thanks for visiting

  2. Great quotes! I like them both! Clearly, exploring the library should always take top priority. And I love the first one too - I hope the plot is as clever as the line!

    1. The Library is the best place. Yeah the plot is definitely as clever as the line I am loving it.

  3. Great quote! I like both of them for two different reason. The second one is such fun, so full of humour. But the first one is truly creepy. And boy, I love that cover!!!

    1. I love the cover it is so pretty. The Pledge book series is great.
