Wednesday 19 August 2015

Bout of Books Read-A-Thon Reading Update Day 2


880 pages
I absolutely loved The Potion Diaries, it was great and in total it only took me about 2-3 hours to read. Spelled was an interesting book which was weird at first but I ended up loving it. I was running out of things to read from my read-a-thon TBR so I went and looked on my shelves and found a trilogy Clare brought for me a long time ago, that I still have not read. The first book, The Disappearing Duchess, was great, so can't wait to read the next two. In total this means I read 3 books (880 pages) on Day 2.
The Potion Diaries (Potion, #1)SpelledThe Disappearing Duchess (The Last Apprentice, #1)

736 pages
I read Dracula in Love in the morning, I have a full review up for it here, but basically I did not enjoy it and it sent me into a bit of a reading slump. So I read the remainder of Grace's Guide because it was funny and fun and I could read it without feeling exhausted (the remainder was only 50 pages so this really only counts as half a book - but yay a sense of accomplishment!) I also read another 16 pages of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I am only about 50 pages away from the end right now but in my reading slumpiness (it's a word) I didn't want to push myself and risk not enjoying the end. I then read Once Every Never by Lesley Livingston which I will be posting a review on. It was light and fun and it pulled me out of my slump - which means I can go into Day 3 without being held down! 
Dracula in LoveGrace's Guide: The Art of Pretending to Be a Grown-upOnce Every Never (Never, #1)

Total Books Read So Far This Week:
Ann: 8 Books (1896 pages)
Clare: 7 Books (1950 pages)

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