1) What is the last book you would want your parents to walk in on you reading?
I think my parents would be pretty unfazed by anything I read and I'm not super embarrassed by sex scenes or the like - even on tv, we tend to be fairly normal about it. So there's nothing I'd mind them walking in on me reading that I can think of. That said this question reminded me of one time when I was on a lunch break at work and a co-worker sat down next to me and asked what the book I was reading was about. I was reading Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma, I couldn't think of a single way to describe the plot without coming across as extremely weird so I think I responded with "nothing" which probably made me seem really rude. Sorry co-worker.
2) It's stormy outside and you're home alone for the night. What book would only make matters worse?
I am a really easily scared person. When I say I enjoy horror movies I actually mean the really awful ones that are kinda funny. Like Zombeavers or Sharknado. Scary things are not my friend. I tried to read The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters once and freaked myself out, it's still on my shelf waiting for me to get some courage - so I guess that one. (My sister wanted me to include a brief anecdote about little 7 year old me so here you go: I was reading Chamber of Secrets and I had barely got a few chapters through when the cat got petrified. For some reason this terrified and upset me so my Dad ran upstairs to find me sitting in bed and sobbing, he confiscated the book and I managed to continue the series without reading Chamber of Secrets. I didn't get around to reading it until years later.)
3) Have you ever read a book simply because of the controversy surrounding it?
I feel like my answer here is the same as so many other people's. Fifty Shades of Grey. And yes it was awful. Mind blowingly terrible.
4) What is the most cringe-inducing romance or sex scene you have ever read?
As I've probably mentioned before I read a fair amount of Regency Romance - it's my fictional comfort food. And despite the fact that literally all regency romance seems to be about 50% sex scenes all of those sex scenes are cringe inducing. As for romance - pretty much anything from Twilight.
5) What book has made you question the author's sanity?
I'd have to go with the standard answer again - George R.R. Martin. Those books get pretty dark and twisted. Of course I am basing this almost entirely off the tv series and things my Mum and brother have said since I still haven't read them!
Also Abigail Haas, I read Dangerous Girls about a year ago and I swear there were moments when I was questioning my own sanity. It's a really, really good book and I desperately want to read Dangerous Boys.
Also Abigail Haas, I read Dangerous Girls about a year ago and I swear there were moments when I was questioning my own sanity. It's a really, really good book and I desperately want to read Dangerous Boys.
6) Have you ever put down a book and not finished it because the content was too much for you?
Please see answer 2. I did eventually finish Chamber of Secrets, obviously! But The Little Stranger is still unfinished. I have anxiety so I tend not to read thrillers and horror in general since they tend to upset me - this is almost entirely why I haven't read Gone Girl yet so most of the books I start don't have difficult content anyway.
7) What fictional character do you have the most NSFW thoughts about?
Hmm... I don't know. I have a really terrible visual imagination so I don't tend to crush on book characters. But I guess Finnick Odair. I love his character and I definitely have a crush on Sam Claflin.
8) Show us your most NSFW cover (or drawing/photo inside a book).
Back to regency we go, chosen at random since they're all fairly ridiculous:

9) Have you ever read something from the erotica/romance genre, and what did you think?
If Fifty Shades counts as erotica then yes and I really hate that book. If my regency books count - then also yes and mixed opinions. I enjoy them but I am well aware they are not always a great standard, they're kind of impossible for me to review because I can look at them logically and think "wow that was cheesy and awkward and I would hate to be in a relationship like that" but also, they're really fun to read.
10) You stumble across a portkey. What fictional world would you not want to be transported to?
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