Wednesday 25 January 2017

Wednesday Catch-Up 25th January 2017

Every Wednesday we are linking up with WWW Wednesday. WWW Wednesday is hosted at Taking on a World of Words and asks 3 questions: What are you currently reading?, What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you'll read next?

Currently Reading:

The DiabolicEmma
I am about halfway through The Diabolic and really enjoying it so far. I will probably finish this by the end of today - Nemesis is a great character and the plot is very action packed so its easy to get lost in. I am also still reading Emma which I am hoping to finish by the end of the month.

Recently Finished:

The House on Sunset LakeMine to Possess (Psy-Changeling, #4)My Lady Jane: The Not Entirely True StoryGeorgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit
The first book I finished this week was The House on Sunset Lake which turned out a bit disappointing. I enjoyed the writing style but I had a lot of problems with the last 30% which just spoiled the book for me. I then read Mine to Possess which I did enjoy although I think it's the weakest of the series so far. My Lady Jane was fantastic, so funny and romantic - I've always been interested in Lady Jane Grey so this alternate history for her was very entertaining! And finally I read Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by Jaye Robin Brown which I loved. The characters all felt very real to me and the plot kept me on the edge of my seat - I almost didn't want it to end (whilst also desperately hoping for a happy ending).

Planning to Read Next:

The Quest (Sanshlian Series, #1)Trapped in WonderlandWintersong
The Quest and Trapped in Wonderland are both on my next to read list again, I didn't want to read review books over the #24in48 readathon so I put them on hold. But I am excited to get to them now. And then a new review book came in - Wintersong which I would like to have read by the time it's released so I can get a review up (this will be coming out 7th February).

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. My Lady Jane looks intriguing...and I'm curious about Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit. Enjoy whatever you read next. Here's MY WWW POST

    1. My Lady Jane and Georgia Peaches are both instant favourites for me! I definitely recommend them!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed My Lady Jane. It's one that I'm looking to get to very soon. And Trapped in Wonderland sounds really interesting.

    1. I was recommended My Lady Jane so many times I had to read it and I am so glad I did!! And I am a sucker for an Alice in Wonderland retelling!

  3. I'm glad you're enjoying The Diabolic. I adore that cover! Happy reading!

    1. The Diabolic is such a great looking book! And it's a really fun read as well!
