Sunday 22 January 2017

Sunday Post 22nd January 2017


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer, it's a chance to post a recap on the past week, show the books we have received and share what we plan for the coming week. Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and the aim is to show our newest books and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops or downloaded on to their e-reader. As always you can click on any of the pictures to be taken to the Goodreads page for that book if you're interested in finding out more about it.

Last Week on the Blog:

Books We Got This Week:

Mine to Possess (Psy-Changeling, #4)Wolf Hall (Thomas Cromwell, #1)Mistress of My Fate
Mine to Possess by Nalini Singh: I've already read this one. I enjoyed it but didn't love the characters or their relationship. The weakest of the series for me but I am looking forward to continuing it.
Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel: There are so many great things said about these books. I already had the sequel so I was glad to pick up a copy of this in a charity shop. 
Mistress of Fate by Hallie Rubenhold: One I actually hadn't heard of before but I really like the cover and the plot sounds very intriguing to me. I have definitely been in a historical mood lately so this should be perfect
The IdiotThe Karamazov BrothersWintersong
The Idiot/ The Karamazov Brothers by Fyodor Dostoevsky: I loved Crime and Punishment so I picked these up at a charity shop as well. I want to read more Classics so I am looking forward to these.
Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones: I have been so excited for this ever since I heard I was getting it and when it arrived I was just ecstatic! Will be reading this next week so I can post the review around the release date!! The quotes I've seen from this book are just beautiful!

Reading Update:


The Smoke HunterPride and PrejudiceThe House on Sunset LakeMine to Possess (Psy-Changeling, #4)My Lady Jane: The Not Entirely True Story
The Smoke Hunter by Jacquelyn Benson: 5 stars, I loved this - if you love Indiana Jones or Romancing the Stone but wanted a strong female lead then this is definitely for you - Ellie is going on my favourite characters list for sure. I have an uncorrected proof of this and I definitely want to get a finished copy for re-reading!
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: 5 stars, I always love re-reading this! So many new things I pick up on every time and favourite passages that I come back to!
The House on Sunset Lake by Tasmina Perry: 2.5 stars, This was my first Perry read. I was actually hovering around the 4 star mark until late in the book when everything became too rushed and the revelations were badly handled. A very serious crime that should have been dealt with was brushed off as "We all have our flaws" which made me feel a little sick, and the depiction of mental illness really, really bothered me. I want to write a review for this but I need to gather my thoughts a little and try not to get too personal.
Mine to Possess by Nalini Singh: 3 stars, Not my favourite of the series but I am still really excited to continue - I am now 4 books in so only 10 books left I think? This should be doable by the end of the year. 
My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows: 4.5 stars, Sweet and funny. There were plenty of moments where I actually laughed out loud and I really liked the romance.

Next Week on the Blog:

  • Cover Characteristics: Big Ben
  • Wednesday Catch-Up
  • Top 5 Under-Rated Books (Ann)
  • Friday Reads
  • February Releases

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. Wolf Hall looks good. And The Smoke Hunter is on my TBR now...

    1. I've heard great things about it - and I want to see the TV show! Loved The Smoke Hunter!

  2. Great bunch of books. I might check out Wolf Hall too.

  3. I'm glad that you enjoyed My Lady Jane! I won an ebook copy of it a couple weeks ago, and I'm excited to read it (hopefully) soon! Have a good week, and happy reading! :)

    1. I am so glad I read it - it was just what I was in the mood for! I hope they write more books together!

  4. Wintersong sounds good and Nalini Singh is an author that's been on my list of authors to try out for sometime now. I may have to give her a try. You can find my post for StS here if you'd like to stop by!

    1. Nalini Singh was recommended to me and I definitely want to complete the Psy-Changeling series this year! I am enjoying her books so far!

  5. I didn't enjoy Wintersong as much as I had hoped but it was still pretty good. The Smoke Hunters sounds interesting. :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

    1. I'm trying not to get too hyped about it but it's hard! Hopefully I will enjoy Wintersong though!

  6. Oh, Dostoevsky! I remember one long summer when I read several of those books...Crime and Punishment was probably my favorite. But those Russian names! Wow!

    I am curious about The Secret.

    Thanks for sharing...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I struggled with the Russian names a lot! But I loved the writing - it'll be hard to live up to Crime and Punishment but these others look good too!

  7. I really need to get my hands on Wintersong! It sounds so interesting.
    Great haul, I hope you have a fantastic week.
    New GFC follower.
    Here is my STS 

    1. Thanks for following! Wintersong looks amazing - I was so happy to get a copy!

  8. Wow, lots of classics there. I have to admit I've read none of them!!!

    1. I am really aiming to read more Classics this year so this is good for me!

  9. Looks like you got some great books in! I hope you enjoy Wintersong - I really did!

    Di @ Book Reviews by Di

    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I will hopefully be reading it very soon!
