Sunday 8 January 2017

Bout of Books Day 6


Game of Fear
Today I finished Game of Fear by Glede Browne Kabongo and read 40 pages of Deathcat Sally by P.S Brooks,

2 books completed
952 pages read


The Art of Sinning (Sinful Suitors, #1)
Today I read a further 16 pages of Pride and Prejudice and all of The Art of Sinning by Sabrina Jeffries. My initial goal for this read-a-thon was to read 7-10 books so I just need to read one more book to reach that! 

6 books completed 
1924 pages read

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading.


  1. Wow, that's amazing! I love that you're both tracking the page count - that's impressive. I'm not participating in Bout of Books but I feel like I would enjoy this particular challenge. Best of luck, ladies! Happy reading. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Thanks, I actually love to keep track of the pages, I really like know exactly how much I have read. Happy reading to you too!
