Tuesday 31 January 2017

Top Ten Graphic Novels I Need to Read!!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. You can find a list of past and future topics here

1) Wires and Nerve
Wires and Nerve, Volume 1 (Wires and Nerves, #1)
The only one on this list that I absolutely know I will be reading soon because I have it pre-ordered and I am so, so excited! Iko was one of my favourite characters and I can't wait to see this world again! 

2) Saga
Saga, Vol. 1
This is one of the most famous - and it comes up almost any time graphic novels are mentioned so I don't know why I haven't read it yet!! I don't know all that much about it but it's definitely one I'd like to get to soon!

3) Lumberjanes
Lumberjanes, Vol. 1: Beware the Kitten Holy (Lumberjanes #1-4)
I loved Nimona by Noelle Stevenson so this has been on my list ever since - the artwork is the same but the plot looks very different and I have heard mixed things but I definitely want to give it a try!

4) Ms Marvel
Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal
I've heard nothing but amazing things about this series! And it's been recommended to me numerous times so it's going on my wishlist for sure.

5) Maus
Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History (Maus, #1)
I don't know much about this one, aside from the obvious, but it seems like a very important and interesting read and again, its a book I've heard good things about. 

6) The Wicked and the Divine
The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 1: The Faust Act
I know absolutely nothing about these. I've read Doctor Faustus so "The Faust Act" intrigues me and I've heard mixed things but mostly I just like the cover!

7) Rat Queens
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery
This just looks badass and awesome and I just need it in my life right now! I may put this on my birthday wishlist and hope someone get it for me! 

8) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Long Way Home (Season 8, #1)
For some reason the Buffy graphic novels are super hard to get hold of - my library doesn't have them and can't even order them in and they are way out of my price leauge on Amazon. So it may be a while until I read these - but I am determined to read them one day!

9) In Real Life
In Real Life
The artwork on the cover is adorable and the plot interests me a lot. I haven't heard much about this actually, there was a lot of buzz when it first came out but I don't think I've seen any reviews - so if you've read it let me know what you thought?

10) Through the Woods
Through the Woods
I'm a little nervous about this one because it is constantly described as "creepy" and I am a huge coward - but I love fairy-tales and the artwork looks amazing. So I may have to just be brave and go for it! 

Graphic novels are a genre I know very little about (I've so far only read Nimona and The Infinite Loop - both of which I liked) but I'd love to read more of them. So let me know if you've read any of the books on this list or if you have any other recommendations! 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. Rat Queens is definitely one I'm interested because it looks so badass.

  2. Wires and Never made my list! I also have seen Saga is pretty popular today and I think I need to check it out! Ms. Marvel was also something I need to check out, so little time and dollars ;) My Top Ten

    1. That's always the problem isn't it!? I'd read all of these now if I had a time turner and an unlimited bank balance! :)

  3. I recently got really into graphic novels! I've read Saga Vol 1-3 so far and it's one of my favorite graphic novel series! I also enjoyed Lumberjanes, Through the Woods, and In Real Life. I'd also recommend the Delilah Dirk graphic novel, which feature a badass feminist heroine, an intellectual and loyal sidekick/companion, historical adventures, and beautiful artwork!

    1. Thank you so much for the advice! Delilah Dirk seems like something I would love - adding it to my wishlist now!!

  4. Rat Queens is awesome although in the third book, the artwork changes and I'm not as thrilled with it as the original. You must give Saga a try. It pretty much got me into reading graphic novels!

    1. That's a shame about the artwork change - especially as the artwork is part of what draws me to the series! Lots of love for Saga this week - I really do have to try it!

  5. Saga, Lumberjanes, Ms. Marvel, and Rat Queens are all awesome! I really need to get my hands on Wires and Nerve! :D

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. I want to read them all so much!! Also - heartbroken because my copy of Wires and Nerve hasn't arrived yet even though I pre-ordered it!

  6. I've read Maus I & II already, but many of the other books on your list are ones I would love to read as well.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. There are so many great looking graphic novels out there!
