I am currently reading Timebound which came in the post the other day so I decided to read it early. So far it is amazing and I am very glad I got it. I am also reading my classic Little Women which I am loving so far. Also I have nearly finished Anne of the Island which is fabulous.

I am about half way through Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas which I am really, really enjoying. It was very long which is daunting but I love Celaena so much I don't think I could lose interest no matter how long it is. I am next going to be reading A Court of Thorns and Roses because I have been meaning to read it ever since it came out and I am still in a fantasy mood. And then if I have time this weekend (which I may not since Sunday is looking to be a busy day) I will be reading Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell. I am also still reading The Wings of the Dove by Henry James, I am currently on page 67 and although I am not the biggest fan of his writing style, I am definitely rooting for Kate (although this being a Henry James novel the chances of her getting a happy ending are slim), I aim to read to at least page 126 by Sunday.
Friday 56 and Book Beginnings:
Friday 56 is hosted by Freda's Voice. The idea is to grab a book, turn to page 56 (or 56% in an e-reader and find any sentence (no spoilers) and then post it. Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires.
"But Beth, though yearning for the grand piano, could not pluck up courage to go to the 'Mansion of Bliss', as Meg called it. She went once with Jo, but the old gentleman, not being aware of her infirmity, stared at her so hard from under his heavy eyebrows, and said "Hey!" so loud that he frightened her so much her "feet chattered on the floor" she told her mother; and she ran away, declaring she would never go there anymore, not even for the dear piano." - Page 56, Little Women
When you are confident it is hard to imagine the level of anxiety and fear that can overwhelm the more timid. But courage is overcoming fear. Those who go boldly and fearlessly can never be described as courageous. Courage with feet chattering moves forward.
"The heel of my white kidskin boot ripped a six-inch gash in the hem of my skirt as I whipped around the corner."
I really like this book beginning because it makes the main character sound awesome.
"He sank into the desk chair, staring blankly at the maps and plans he'd been cultivating. Everything - everything was for Dorian, for his friend. For himself, he had nothing left to lose. He was nothing more than a nameless oath-breaker, a liar, a traitor." -Page 56, Queen of Shadows

I used to like Chaol, now I'm really not sure how I feel about him other than that he is annoying me a lot at the moment.
Book Beginning:
"The forest had become a labyrinth of snow and ice."
I really like this description, which may have something to do with the fact that I actually love the word labyrinth! Plus this sounds so menacing and dangerous and I am hoping that means the book starts in with some action!
ReplyDeleteThey all sound like great books, enjoy.
Have a great day!
They are great so far! Thanks for visiting
DeleteLittle Women is a classic, hope you enjoy! And I just finished Queen of Shadows myself. Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteI just finished Queen of Shadows 2 minutes ago and I can't even describe how much I loved it! Thanks for visiting
DeleteThat's a lovely quote from Little Women! I know a lot about the book, but haven't read it myself. Maybe one day.
ReplyDeleteI love this quote it is amazing. I dont know anything about it but I am enjoying it so far. Thanks for visiting!
DeleteI love Little Women & Saah J. Maas.
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend!
I am loving it at the moment. Clare's copy of it is very tatty. Thanks for watching!