Since I just finished The Other Side of Midnight by Simone St. James (which I loved) I thought it would be fun to think of what books I'd recommend for anyone wanting to read it or who have already read it and want something similar. I would love to do a review for The Other Side of Midnight but at this moment I have my final essay for my University module to write and a room to re-organise (we've moved some of my bookshelves downstairs - it's a nightmare project) so if I do get a review up it won't be up until next week.
1) A Spear of Summer Grass by Deanna Raybourn
This isn't really a series but if you do want to read these I recommend reading them in that order since City of Jasmine and Night of a Thousand Stars do reference characters from the previous books. These were really enjoyable reads with interesting characters and I have the urge to re-read the series a lot. I have it right now in fact, but I must stay firm - I have a TBR to stick to!
2) Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn
Yep, Deanna Raybourn again (I just love her books). I bought this series off the opening sentence alone and was luckily rewarded with a really great series. Oh and if you're curious that sentence is;
"To say that I met Nicholas Brisbane over my husband's dead body is not entirely accurate. Edward, it should be noted, was still twitching upon the floor..."
3) Tainted Angel by Anne Cleeland

Again this is less of a series and more of a companion-series but it's worth reading them in order. Tainted Angel was superb with double crossing and spies and I was kept guessing about everyone's true motives (even the protagonists) right until the end. Daughter of the God-King was also amazing although I didn't fall in love with the main character in the same way.
4) The Uninvited by Cat Winters

Another recent read that I loved this is set in roughly the same time period as The Other Side of Midnight and it has ghosts. It's not really a mystery novel but I do think that those who read and liked The Other Side of Midnight would also enjoy The Uninvited.
5) The Diviners by Libba Bray

I've only just started the sequel Lair of Dreams so, much as I really enjoyed the first chapter, I'm not sure I could conclusively say how good the whole book is! But I can say that I loved the first book in the series. It's a long book, so it takes dedication but it is well worth it.
4) The Uninvited by Cat Winters

Another recent read that I loved this is set in roughly the same time period as The Other Side of Midnight and it has ghosts. It's not really a mystery novel but I do think that those who read and liked The Other Side of Midnight would also enjoy The Uninvited.
5) The Diviners by Libba Bray

I've only just started the sequel Lair of Dreams so, much as I really enjoyed the first chapter, I'm not sure I could conclusively say how good the whole book is! But I can say that I loved the first book in the series. It's a long book, so it takes dedication but it is well worth it.
And some honourable mentions from my TBR - I really need to get to these soon!
India Black by Carol K. Carr: My Mum bought me a set of these for my birthday and I am really excited to get to them soon. Since I am in a historical mystery mood at the moment I may bump them up my TBR.
Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear: I have the first three books in the series and I honestly don't know too much about them but they have been recommended to me so I have high hopes.
The Haunting of Maddy Clare/An Inquiry Into Love and Death/Silence for the Dead/Lost Among the Living by Simone St. James: I really, really loved The Other Side of Midnight so now I just have to get my hands on her other books. I have pre-ordered Lost Among the Living which isn't released until April 2016 but the others I should read soon.
A Curious Beginning by Deanna Raybourn: I am so, so excited for this. I have it pre-ordered so now I just have to count the days until it arrives. I already know it will be amazing.
If you have read any of these books let me know what you thought about them in the comments down below and if you loved them I may just have to read them sooner!
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