Monday 22 August 2016

Cover Characteristic: Pyramids

Cover Characteristic is a weekly feature hosted at Sugar & Snark.

Daughter of the God-King (Regency, #2)
Timeless (Parasol Protectorate, #5)Crocodile on the Sandbank (Amelia Peabody #1)
The Red Pyramid (Kane Chronicles, #1)Sands Of TimeHand of Isis (Numinous World, #3)

I am a sucker for books set in Egypt so I was excited for this topic. Of these I have only read Daughter of the God-King, Timeless and The Red Pyramid but the others are all on my TBR - especially the Amelia Peabody mysteries! 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I like Daughter of the God-King and Crocodile on the Sandbank a lot- I've always liked those Amelia Peabody covers- and Sands of Time is nice too. I'd like to read the Amelia Peabody books one of these days.

    1. You like both of my favourites this week! The Amelia Peabody books look like such great reads!

  2. I loved Timeless, was a great read!
    I apologize for being so late! I posted 2 in 1 this week.
    Thanks for joining in :)

    Sugar & Snark

    1. Thanks for visiting, this week was a lot of fun!
