Friday 18 December 2015

Friday Reads 18th December 2015

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice, the idea is to grab a book, turn to page 56 (or 56% in an e-book) and find any sentence (no spoilers!) and then post it. Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are currently reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence and impressions about the book.


Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, #1)Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2)The Testing (The Testing, #1)
I am still planning on reading the rest of the Throne of Glass series and I am so close to finishing the first book and I am loving it so much. I also plan on reading The Testing which Clare got me from the library the other day and it sounds like a good book.

Book Beginning:

"The shutters swinging in the storm winds were the only sign of her entry. No one had noticed her scaling the garden wall of the darkened manor house, and with the thunder and the gusting wind off the nearby sea, no one heard her as she shimmied up the drainpipe, swung onto the windowsill, and slithered into the second-floor hallway." - Crown of Midnight

Page 56:

"To him, that meant showing up in a black tunic." - Crown of Midnight


Across a Star-Swept Sea (For Darkness Shows the Stars, #2)Zodiac (Zodiac, #1)Christmas in the Snow
Our brother is coming back from University tomorrow which means I might not be reading much this weekend. We'll also be watching the new Star Wars movie which is exciting! I am currently reading Across a Star-Swept Sea which is the companion to For Darkness Shows the Stars. I think I may be enjoying this more than FDStS if only because I love Scarlet Pimpernel retellings. I am then planning to read Zodiac by Romina Russell which I have heard good things about and after that I will be starting my Christmas reads with Christmas in the Snow by Karen Swan which I am hoping will be great!

Book Beginning & Friday 56

"If the Wild Poppy dared return to Galatea, Citizen Cutler was ready." - Across a Star-Swept Sea

"But then again, those names ... something was strange about Scintillans." - Page 56, Across a Star-Swept Sea

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I haven't read any of these books but I know that my students like some of them, especially the Mass books.
    My Friday Quotes

    1. I love the Throne of Glass series! Thanks for visiting!

  2. I've read the first Throne of Glass book and I loved it - really should be continuing on soon! I'd also like to read The Testing - I've never seen that version of the cover before.

    I've never heard of Across a Star-Swept Sea before or it's companion, but if it's a Scarlet Pimpernel retelling, I might have to look into it. :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. The companion novel is a Persuasion retelling which I thought was good but this one is just that little bit better for me!

  3. I need to work on more books in the Throne of Glass series. I loved The Testing. Across a Star Swept Sea has a gorgeous cover. Happy Friday!

    1. I almost wish I had got Across a Star Swept Sea in hardcover, the covers for the series are great! Thanks for visiting

  4. I enjoyed the descriptive writing in the opening of Crown of Midnight. Your other selections sound good too. Happy reading!
    My Friday post features THE LOCKET.

    1. Crown of Midnight is a great book, I am hoping Ann enjoys it like I did! Thanks for visiting

  5. I really enjoyed The Testing. I'm not one to compare every dystopian to The Hunger Games, but it is very Hunger Games-eque, though it is still its own novel. I don't know if that made sense haha! Anyway, I hope you like it! I hope you both love all the books you have planned. And Clare, I hope you have fun with your brother coming home. I'll be going to Florida next week to see my brothers and sister, and I could not be more excited!

    1. The Testing did sound very Hunger Games-esque which is why I grabbed it for Ann, I am glad it's still its own novel though! Have a great time in Florida!

  6. You have so many good books here. I like the Throne of Glass series and have the fourth one on my stack. I hope to get to it soon. My 56 this week comes from The Tournament at Gorlan by John Flanagan. Happy reading!

    1. Queen of Shadows was rather big! The books in the series are getting bigger and bigger and I'm looking forward to the next two! I hope you enjoy it!

  7. Love Sarah J. Maas, but Across A Star Swept Sea sounds lovely too!
    Happy weekend, ladies!!

    1. I am enjoying Across a Star Swept Sea but it's not the most exciting of books! Thanks for visiting

  8. All of these have me curious. And love some of those covers too.

    Here's my 56 -

    1. I love books with beautiful covers - I am weak where they're concerned! Thanks for visiting
