Wednesday 16 March 2016

Wednesday Catch-Up 16th March 2016

Every Wednesday we are linking up with WWW Wednesday. WWW Wednesday is hosted at Taking on a World of Words and asks 3 questions: What are you currently reading?, What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you'll read next? 

Our post is up a tiny bit late this week because it's my birthday and so I've been a bit distracted! But I've had a great birthday and my family have been amazing!


Currently Reading:
Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3)A Tale of Two CitiesGrace & Style: The Art of Pretending You Have It
I am currently reading Cress which I only just started but so far it is amazing. I am also reading A Tale of Two Cities which I am still really enjoying and I have recently started reading Grace and Style which is so funny.

Recently Finished: 
Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)These Vicious Masks (These Vicious Masks, #1)Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
I have recently finished Lady Midnight which not only did I really enjoy but also I read it faster than Clare did which is a miracle. I also recently finished These Vicious Masks and Scarlet both of which I loved.

Planning to Read Next:
The Girl from Everywhere (The Girl From Everywhere, #1)Starflight (Starflight, #1)Passenger (Passenger, #1)
Next I am planning on reading The Girl From Everywhere and Starflight and also I am hoping to read Passenger. All of these books I am very excited to read but I am most excited about Passenger and I should finish a few books this week as I have been of school ill because I have felt very dizzy and sick.


Currently Reading:
Passenger (Passenger, #1)The Warden
I am currently about 100 pages into Passenger by Alexandra Bracken which I am enjoying. I am also currently on page 87 of The Warden which I am also enjoying, it's a very easy to read classic and although there is a bit of religion in there I don't find it to be too much which is nice!

Recently Finished:
Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1) Grace & Style: The Art of Pretending You Have ItStars Above (The Lunar Chronicles)Starflight (Starflight, #1)The Girl from Everywhere (The Girl From Everywhere, #1)
The first book I finished this week was (somewhat reluctantly) Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. It's quite a long book but there is action and humour and characters that I loved so it went far too fast and now I am left waiting impatiently for the next book! I then read Grace and Style which was really easy to read, I flew through it in two sittings and loved it, it was full of her humour and some emotional things - I think I even liked it more than Grace's Guide! And then I finally read Stars Above which was predictably bitter-sweet. I loved being back in the world but as always I wanted more! I finished this in one sitting and really enjoyed it - especially the last story but I will always want more from these characters! Starflight was a lot of fun, it got off to a fairly slow start but once things really got going I was hooked and I adored the romance and the characters. I enjoyed The Girl From Everywhere although I am not massively clear on how the time travel elements worked. I am excited for the series to continue and to see what shenanigans the crew get into!

Planning to Read Next:
The Steep and Thorny WayDorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die, #1)Princess of Thorns
I have the exact same TBR as last week since I went slightly off my TBR this week. But I am still very excited about each of these books!

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I completely agree about The Girl from Everywhere! It's fun, as long as you don't think too hard about the time travel which was confusing in places and I wasn't convinced by how certain characters' timelines were supposed to overlap... Oh well, it was still enjoyable!

    I'm so glad Ann's enjoying Cress. I think it might be my favourite in The Lunar Chronicles series.

    Thank for visiting my WWW post earlier ( and happy reading!

    1. Yeah, I wasn't fully convinced by some of Nix's worries about changing the past but then there were some consequences that weren't even considered. Dodgy time travel but a fun plot!
      Cress is definitely my favourite - possibly because Cress and Thorne are my favourite characters!

  2. I've got The Girl From Everywhere in my TBR. And I need to read the Lunar Chronicles, too.

    1. You definitely do! I really like the Lunar Chronicles series and I am so glad Ann is enjoying them! I enjoyed The Girl From Everywhere, hope you do too!

  3. I think it's so fun that you two share a blog and pass book recommendations back and forth. I can't find a real-life friend who has the same taste as me. Happy reading!

    1. I don't think I'd love doing the blog as much as I do if Ann wasn't doing it with me, although I sometimes feel guilty for shoving so many of my favourite books at her! She'd need years to read them!

  4. Great range of books that you've read this week/planning to read in the coming week. I hope you have a fab bookish week. :)

  5. Grace & Style - something I need at times. Happy reading!

    1. It's a great book, I definitely recommend it.

  6. Like the sound of Passenger and love the cover...shallow I know! I'm intrigued by Dorothy Must Die and whether I would enjoy it.
    Thanks for visiting my WWW - :)

    1. Oh I am a definite cover lust person as well so I will enjoy displaying Passenger! I am nervous about Dorothy Must Die because I've heard mixed things but it sounds like something I will enjoy so fingers crossed!
