Friday 23 December 2016

Friday Reads 23rd December 2016

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice and Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader. The idea is to share a sentence or so from the first page and the 56th page of the book you are currently reading! 

Mince Pies and Mistletoe at the Christmas Market
Book Beginning:
"As I stood in the chilly kitchen of the poky student flat I had called home for the last three years, waiting for the kettle to boil, I couldn't help wishing I had dropped out of university before the temperature had plummeted from autumnal to arctic."

Friday 56:
"The strands of battery-operated fairy warm white fairy lights I had threaded and draped between the stock and around Lizzie's eye-catching Makes and Bakes banner stood out a treat, and with the cafe's trademark bunting in place, the overall effect was extremely pretty."
This will probably be my last Christmas read of the year (only 2 more days till Christmas!!!) and it's looking like it will be a good one to end on. I am only just starting this so I am not sure if she actually dropped out of Uni or if she just wishes she had (although dropping out after three years seems a bit silly). But it feels very festive - with all the fairy lights and the gorgeous cover so I am excited! 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I hope that you are enjoying this Christmas read! Have a Merry Christmas!!

  2. I haven't read any Christmas books this year! I think it's too late for me...but maybe after Christmas?

    Enjoy! Here's mine: “THE GIRL BEFORE”

    1. I should think it'll be fine! It'll still be winter so Christmas reads still work right?

  3. I haven't read any Christmas books this year. I got hit with a bunch of review books that needed to be read NOW. I dug into TBR mountain to read Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead this week. Happy reading!

    1. That's a shame! But I am intrigued by Gameboard of the Gods so will check out your post!

  4. Love the cover. This sounds like a fun Christmas story. I hope you enjoy it.
    My Friday post features COLD BETRAYAL.

  5. Sounds like a perfect read for the season! Happy holidays to you all!

  6. This sounds like a sweet and thoughtful book, perfect for the season.

  7. We're experiencing arctic now.

    1. I wish it were snowing here but its barely even cold!

  8. Sounds like a great Christmas time read. :)
    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings) + 50/50 Friday and my current giveaway.

    1. It really was - it was such a great end to my Christmas reading!
