Saturday 22 October 2016

Real Neat Blog Award

We were nominated by Gennifer @ Ready, Set, Read! She has an amazing blog and you should definitely check it out! Thanks so much for nominating us! 

1. Thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the seven questions set to you
3. Create seven questions for your nominees
4. Nominate seven other bloggers

1) What is your favourite food?
Clare: I am not sure for this one. I am kind of obsessed with the Cumberland sausages from Tesco? They are from their hot food section so I always wind up getting one when I go shopping. That or chocolate.
Ann: I love a lot of different foods but I suppose one of my favourites is ice cream, it always makes me feel better no matter what!

2) How many languages do you know?
Clare: Just English I am afraid! I learned a bit of German in school but not enough to be fluent and I am trying to learn Italian on Duolingo at the moment (I say this but I've used it once).
Ann: Unfortunately for me I am having to study French at school at the moment so I can speak some French and English! 

3) Describe the last book you read using only one word?
Clare: Mysterious.
Ann: Dramatic!

4) What book(s) are you currently reading?
Clare: I am expecting Gemina to arrive today (according to Amazon) so will be reading it the second it comes in. 
Ann: I am only reading one book at the moment and that is Crooked Kingdom and I am loving it. Also I think Kaz is my favourite character ever, he is so dark and twisted and I love it!

5) Of all the unread books on your shelf, which has been there the longest?
Clare: I have an entire floor to ceiling bookshelf of TBR books. And so many of them have been there for what feels like years. I think maybe The Casual Vacancy? I got that shortly after it was released which I think was 4 years ago!
Ann: I think Goodnight Mister Tom has been on my shelf for a while, I should probably read it soon!

6) What is the last dream you recall?
Clare: I only ever seem to have nightmares which is worrying. My recurring nightmare is one where a Giant Caterpillar chases me around the house and then eats me. Which is disturbing and if it has any meaning I am not aware of it. Maybe I should beware caterpillars?
Ann: I am not going to tell you about my last dream I remember because it was disturbing but the last not disturbing dream I had was one where it snowed at school and I feel over and broke my arm and then a lot of other things happened like I punched another student, because I was in a lot of pain, also from what I remember she deserved it!

7) How long have you been blogging?
Clare: 1 year and 3 months. And it's been great! 
Ann: Same as Clare I have been blogging for 1 year and 3 months and I have loved it!

Our nominees: 
Lola @ Hit or Miss Books
Zainab Sheikh @ A Bibliophiles Obsession
Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense
Lauren @ Always Me
Greg @ Book Haven

Our questions:
1) What is your favourite book?
2) What scent most reminds you of home?
3) What are three items on your Christmas wish list?
4) What is your favourite time of the year?
5) What are you currently reading?
6) What is one book you think everyone should have to read?
7) When did you first start blogging?

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading 


  1. Great answers! And thanks for the nom! I think Gemina and Crooked Kingdom both sound great, I've seen so many good reviews for Crooked Kingdom now that I've added those to my TBR. And for some reason I thought you guys has been blogging longer than that. Anyway nice post, hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I haven't read Gemina yet but I loved Crooked Kingdom and you should definitely read it soon. Thanks it feels like we have been blogging for a lot longer, but I have loved it so much! Have a great week too!

  2. Thank you for the shoutout! You are both so kind. :D I never have heard of Cumberland sausages. I'm going to google image them haha! I cannot wait to read Gemina! I haven't read anything from the Grisha world, but I want to eventually. I've hears amazing things! Sorry that you both only remembered nightmares! Hopefully no giant caterpillars or broken arms are in your future! :) Congrats on the year and three months!

    1. I feel like the giant caterpillars at least are unlikely! I just finished Gemina and it was amazing - hope you get to read it soon! And you should definitely read the Grisha books, the Six of Crows duology especially is just brilliant. Thanks for nominating us!

    2. That's good to hear about Gemina! I'm requesting it from my library soon, but there is a huge line for it! I've heard great things about the Six of Crows duology, but not as much for the Grisha trilogy. But I want to read them in publication order. I'll just have to make the push so I can get to Six of Crows! You're welcome! :D

  3. Thanks for nominating me! I rarely if ever remember my dreams - unless they're really weird...

    1. The weird dreams are always the ones that stick in the mind!
