Friday 14 October 2016

Friday Reads 14th October 2016 (And Friday 50/50)

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice and Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader. The idea is to share a sentence or so from the first page and the 56th page of the book you are currently reading! 

Do You Want to Start a Scandal (Spindle Cove, #5)
Book Beginning: 
"The gentleman in black turned down the corridor, and Charlotte Highwood followed. Stealthily, of course. It wouldn't do to let anyone see."

Friday 56:
""I know." His voice was as menacing as an eight year old boy's could be. "I know what you did in the library."

After finishing A Court of Mist and Fury I decided I needed something light and quick and fun to stop me falling into a reading slump and this seemed perfect. I am only a chapter in so far, so I don't know what's happening in the 56 (although it seems like it will be entertaining). Am I the only one by the way, who sings the title to the tune of Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Because I can't stop.

Friday 50/50

This week I'm also taking part in a brand new linkup called 50/50 Friday, which is hosted by Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader and Laura @ Blue Eye Books. I first saw this link-up last week on Lauren @ Always Me's blog. Every week they'll have a new topic featuring two sides of the same coin - this week the topic is Book to the big screen/ Never to the big screen.

The Princess Bride Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)
The Princess Bride is hands-down my favourite book-to-movie adaptation, I love both the book and the movie and I've rewatched/reread them too many times to accurately count! See this whole post was just another excuse to rave about Six of Crows! But seriously I think this duology would make an amazing couple of movies, with all the action and suspense. Plus I am just not ready to say goodbye to this world yet and movies would be a great way to cling on.

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. The Princess Bride is awesome, it might be my favorite book to movie as well (or in the top three anyway)- and Six of Crows is getting such raves. From the sounds of it it does sound like a good movie!

    1. It would be an amazing movie! And this post has made me want to rewatch The Princess Bride - which is always good!

  2. Uh oh. Busted? So what happened in the library! I recently ran across this book. Such a great cover!

    My Friday 56 from Bulletproof Badge

    1. Well if you believe the kid "MUR-DER" happened! But you'd have to read to find out!

  3. Okay, I do want to know what happened in the library! lol

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “COMMONWEALTH”

    1. It was a really great story, loved the mystery and the romance!

  4. I like both th beginning and the 56 from "Do You Want To Start A Scandal" - I think it will be a good book:) I don't have anything for the 50/50 - have never read either book though I did like the movie adaptation of The Princess Bride - it was a hoot! Thanks for visiting my Friday meme earlier

    1. I just finished it and really loved it! The movie of The Princess Bride is possibly even better than the book - although it's a close call because I love them both!

  5. Wonderful - but you have to tell us what happened in the library! Today I'm featuring The Underachieving Ovary by JT Lawrence.

    1. Well the kid says it was murder - but I can't tell! It would ruin the fun! Definitely recommend this book though!

  6. OOohhhhh, what did they do in the library?! I gotta know!! :-)
    Happy weekend!

  7. Do You Want to Start a Scandal sounds interesting. Thanks for mentioning it. :-)

  8. Oh yes the menacing voice of an eight year old. Hope this one was light enough for you. Happy Friday!

    1. Cause we all know eight year olds are terrifying! It was, light and fun!

  9. The Princess Bride is awesome - book and movie! I should really start reading Bardugo soon... :D

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Yes! You definitely should! Love Six of Crows so much! And The Princess Bride is just fantastic, I love it as well!
