Every Wednesday we are linking up with WWW Wednesday. WWW Wednesday is hosted at Taking on a World of Words and asks 3 questions: What are you currently reading?, What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you'll read next? You can click any of the images to go to the Goodreads page for that book!
Currently Reading:

I am about to start The River at Night which has been compared to The Descent (one of my all time favourite horror movies) so I have some pretty high hopes for this! I am about four stories in to Because You Love to Hate Me and I am so far really enjoying it!
Recently Finished:

We both took part in the 24in48 readathon this weekend which is why my recently finished is so insane! I'm too tired/lazy to give a summary of each book I read (there were twelve. Twelve.) but my absolute favourites were Moxie and Tiny Pretty Things. The latter by the way may be the most Slytherin book I have ever read. Everything else was varying levels of excellence there were no real disappointments.
Planning to Read Next:

Next up I want to read The Informant, The Mourner and The Killer. Which are the first three books in the series - there may be more or there may not I'm actually not sure. But these do look incredible and I am excited for them!
So many tempting books, and you accomplished a lot. I am curious about After the Fire and Girlhood.
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Great job! I'm super envious. I started "See What I Have Done" but had to put it aside for some blog tours. To be honest, it wasn't pulling me in but then I didn't get that far. I hope to finish it in August.