This month I didn't manage to read many books as I have been a bit busy this week but I did finish about 2 books neither of which I really liked.
My favourite read had to be Dear Dylan though as it was very realistic - unlike some books which seem like the characters have lives that are unrealistically perfect whereas in Dear Dylan she goes through a lot of problems and it seems more realistic.
This month I read a total of 16 books. It was kind of a slow reading month for me and I didn't often feel like picking up books but I did read a few that I absolutely loved.

1) Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes
My brother got me the Falling Kingdoms series for Christmas and I loved it, I thought the first book was a little slow but from the second onward it was incredible. Frozen Tides was definitely my favourite of the series (so far) and I cannot wait for the next book!
2) The Martian by Andy Weir
This book surprised me so much. This was definitely one of those books I picked up entirely for the hype around it. It doesn't sound like my kind of book at all and yet I really loved it. The science went completely over my head (my Mum is a scientist and assures me the science is amazing) but it felt so real and the humour was such a wonderful type of humour. I am very much looking forward to seeing the movie.
3) Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman
The second book wasn't as good as the first in my opinion but I loved these characters and particularly how original and well researched the story was. I really felt like Anne Blankman had made an effort and it paid off with the detail and the realistic feel to the events. I look forward to reading more by her.
February TBR:
Since our TBR's often get out of control we've decided to list our top three books we plan to read in February which should hopefully be easier to manage!
Scarlet: This sounds like a very interesting book and the cover is also wonderful. All three of theses books are on the AR reading scheme at my school.
Fracture: This also sounds like a very good book and I love the sound of it and the cover also looks very nice
Lament: I love the sound of Lament and also the cover looks wonderful.
Fracture: This also sounds like a very good book and I love the sound of it and the cover also looks very nice
Lament: I love the sound of Lament and also the cover looks wonderful.
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
There is nothing about this blurb that I don't love. You can click the picture to go to the goodreads page and check it out - honestly this just sounds so intriguing to me and I've heard amazing things.
Assassin's Heart by Sarah Ahiers
I am actually kind of nervous for this one, I love the idea of assassins and vengeance but I am so worried it will just devolve into Romeo & Juliet style romance. With any luck the vengeance will be the main focus though!
How Not to Disappear by Clare Furniss
This sounds right up my alley. I've heard good things about Clare Furniss and this sounds like a good book to start with so fingers crossed I enjoy it!
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