Friday, 14 July 2017

Friday Reads 14th July 2017

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice and Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader. The idea is to share a sentence or so from the first page and the 56th page of the book you are currently reading!

Book Beginning:
"If you asked me how it began, I could truthfully say that the first time, it was an accident."

Friday 56:
"I opened a savings account and watched the numbers begin to stack up."

I'm heading into a bit of a reading slump at the moment so I'm hoping thrillers are the way to go to yank me out of that! I don't know... anything about this book really. The blurb tells me its "deliciously decadent" which sounds fun and alliterative. Plus watching the numbers stack up is basically the dream right? Mine mostly just plummet alarmingly. If you've read this one let me know what you thought of it because I'm going in so blind!

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare), Facebook and Instagram to keep up with what we are reading. 


  1. Lucky you - going in blind is best, I always think. I love not knowing anything about a book, but it hardly ever happens. I'm readingMidwinter by Fiona Melrose.

  2. I can't tell from the quotes that this book is a thriller but I hope it helps pull you out of the slump. My Friday Quotes

  3. I haven't heard of this one before, but it looks kind of interesting. I look forward to seeing what you think about this one.

  4. This is new to me, too! I love thrillers. Hope you enjoy it.

    Please, check out my #Friday56 and #BookBeginnings here:

    Luv, Sassy x

  5. Sounds like a good thriller. You sure hooked me! And that cover is awesome!

    My Friday 56 from A School For Unusual Girls

  6. Sounds good to me and that is a very interesting cover.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  7. Haven't heard of this one before, but I am intrigued by the excerpts. Hope you're pleasantly surprised!

  8. Sorry, can't help. I haven't heard of the book before. I hope you enjoy it. This week I have an urban fantasy - Midnight Curse by Melissa F. Olson. Happy reading!

  9. I haven't heard anything about this one, either, but a thriller is my way to go when I'm in a slump, too. Thanks for sharing...enjoy! Here's mine: “AFTER ANNA”

  10. Great beginning! Happy weekend!

  11. Good luck getting out of your reading slump. I've been in a bit of one, too, abandoning three books this week. Hope the thriller works for you.

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My Friday 56

  12. Thrillers always help me get out of a slump-y mood for me. I hope it works! The beginning really drew me in! Good luck. :)
