
Tuesday 8 September 2015

Tuesday Intros and Teaser Tuesdays

First Chapter, First Paragraph, Tuesday Intros is hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea where bloggers share the first paragraph or two of the book they are currently reading/thinking about reading soon. Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
 Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Timebound (The Chronos Files, #1)
Tuesday Intro:
"I do not require life to be neat and orderly. Anyone who doubts that should dig around in my backpack, where you will likely find a half-eaten candy bar that has been there since Iowa - a state we moved from nearly a year ago."
I love this intro mainly because of the first sentence.

Teaser Tuesday:

"I could feel my eyebrow beginning to arch upward, but I tried to keep my expression neutral." - Page 25
I really like this quote!

The Other Side of Midnight
Tuesday Intro:
"The man who sat before me at seven o'clock on a Tuesday evening was lying.He'd come with an impeccable reference from a barrister client of mine, and though he was barely thirty-five, the tailoring of his three-piece suit and the glint of his watch chain spoke of success. He wore power easily in his posture and the set of his shoulders, like a man accustomed to it, and yet the problem he set me was not only trifling; it was false."
I love this intro because it goes straight in and makes me feel like I am there and desperate to know what he's lying about and why! 

The Uninvited
Teaser Tuesday:
"The back of my neck prickled when I rounded the corner down the way, and I feared that if I turned my head, I'd find the shine of Lucas's spectacles in the lamplight. Or the face of the deceased Albrecht Schendel." - Page 60
I just finished this book and I can tell you that it's wonderful and haunting and that I am now desperate to read everything else she has written. I really wanted to use this book for a teaser and then discovered how hard that was to do without spoilers but I managed! Seriously, I loved basically every line in this book.  

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) and on Twitter (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I really like the sound of TimeBound and The Uninvited (Though the latter would probably scare the life out of me!)

    1. I am so easily scared and The Uninvited didn't really scare me, it was kind of creepy at times but mostly just really, really good! Thanks for visiting

  2. The intros certainly grabbed me! The covers are gorgeous.

    1. I'm definitely a cover lust buyer! Thanks for visiting

  3. oh Time Bound sounds great! Thanks for the intro and tease!
    trish - my teaser

    1. It is great! You should think about reading it. Thanks for visiting!

  4. All of these are so intriguing, that I simply must know more. Thanks for piquing my interest. Here's mine: “MY SALINGER YEAR”

    1. I am really enjoying The Other Side of Midnight and The Uninvited may be one of my favourite books this year. Thanks for visiting

  5. Three great books with compelling beginnings and Teasers. I'm especially intrigued by The Uninvited.
    My Tuesday post features Shadow of the Hawk.

    1. The Uninvited was incredible, thanks for visiting!

  6. I'm curious about Timebound now. :)

    Here's my teaser:

    1. You should try it. I am really enjoying it. Thanks for visiting!

  7. The Other Side of Midnight looks good to me!

    1. I'm only about a third of the way through but so far I'm loving it! Thanks for visiting

  8. I've been hearing a lot about Simone St. James. The Other Side of Midnight looks like something I'd enjoy, so I'd keep reading!

    1. I am definitely loving it so far, the mystery element is very absorbing and I love the setting! Thanks for visiting

  9. I love the opening of Timebound. You're right, that first sentence is great!

    The Other Side of Midnight has a great opening too. I like books that jump right in too.

    I hate a copy of the other book, The Uninvited and I am looking forward to reading it. I am glad to hear you loved it.

    1. The Other Side of Midnight is moving at a very fast pace, it's quite a small book relatively so a lots happening quickly! The Uninvited was great, much better than I had been expecting, I definitely recommend reading it! Thanks for visiting

  10. That is a fun intro, I'd read a bit more and then decide. Glad u joined us.

  11. I'm right there with the eyebrow thing! Love that one! Thanks for visiting my Teaser post this week.

    1. I know like when you are surprised by something or want to laugh at something but can't because it might hurt someone's feelings so you try as hard as you can to keep a straight face. Thanks for visiting!
