
Tuesday 8 September 2015

Top Ten Finished Series We Haven't Finished Reading

Top Ten Tuesdays is an original feature created by The Broke and The Bookish and you can find their page here. This one was kind of a struggle since, for me (Clare) at least, I tend to marathon series. But here are some that we either haven't got around to yet, or are just never going to finish.

1) Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger
Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)
Ann: I really loved Etiquette & Espionage and cannot wait to continue the series.
Clare: I loved her Parasol Protectorate series but just didn't get as engaged by this one. Perhaps because it's aimed at people Ann's age? But I'd still like to finish the series.

2) Middle Earth Series by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit (Middle-Earth Universe)
Ann: I started The Hobbit but never got around to finishing it, or The Lord of the Rings but I do plan to.

3) The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
The Pledge (The Pledge, #1)
Ann: I still do not know if I am going to finish this series because I struggled a bit with the first two.

4) The Immortals by Alyson Noel
Evermore (The Immortals, #1)
Clare: Has there ever been a more annoying protagonist? I have the whole series so I will probably read it at some point, in the vague hope it gets less annoying as it goes on. Possibly.

5) Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Delirium (Delirium, #1)
Clare: I read the first book and enjoyed it and then picked up Pandemonium and Requiem at The Works as part of their 3 for five pounds thing in the sort of "get it whilst its cheap" mood and then just never got around to finishing it.

6) Killables by Gemma Malley
The Killables (The Killables, #1)
Clare: I don't know why I never finished this. I liked the concept and as far as I remember I enjoyed the book but I just never carried on. 

7) Declaration by Gemma Malley
The Declaration (The Declaration, #1)
Clare: I actually know why I didn't finish this and it's for the ever so simple reason that my school library didn't have the other books in the series.

8)The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
The Luxe (Luxe, #1)
Clare: I got the whole series out from the library fully intending to marathon them. And things were looking great - but then the ending of the second book happened. It's a great ending in a literary sense but it just made me angry and sad. I will finish the series but I have to wait until I maybe don't care as much!

9) Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness
The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking, #1)
Clare: I still have a bookmark halfway through The Ask and the Answer. It's a great series I just wasn't in the right mood.

10) Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
Shiver (The Wolves of Mercy Falls, #1)
Clare: This was another one I got in a deal at The Works. I enjoyed the first book but didn't love it, so now I am unsure of whether to continue or not. If anyone else has read it what did you think? Should I continue?

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) and on Twitter (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading!


  1. I haven't finished any of these either. I did read the sequel to Shiver—it was okay, but everyone tells me Forever isn't worth my time at all.

    My list

    1. I may read Linger and if I don't love it I think I'll just discard the series. I've enjoyed her other books so I don't know why this one series is such a struggle! Thanks for visiting

  2. I should probably do what Clare does and just marathon series instead of trying to read all the installments as they come out. I forget too much between books and end up re-reading a lot.

    I have finished the Chaos Walking series. It's amazing -- one of my favorite YA series ever. I liked the first two books in THE PLEDGE series enough to read the third, I just haven't done it yet. DELIRIUM I'll probably finish at some point. Oh, and I love LOTR.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I am terrible at re-reading books so for me its either marathon them or hope I remember enough for the series to make sense! I really loved The Knife of Never Letting Go but then I was in completely the wrong mood for The Ask and the Answer so I gave up to avoid ruining it but I will get back into it soon! I love LOTR too, I hope Ann reads it soon!
      Thanks for visiting

  3. Chaos Walking is a series on my TBR. I've had The Knife of Never Letting Go for ages and just have not got around to it yet!
    My TTT:

    1. The Knife of Never Letting Go was really, really good which I why I'm so mad at myself for not finishing the series yet! But I will - I keep telling myself that! Thanks for visiting
