
Sunday 8 April 2018

Sunday Post 8th April 2018

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer, it's a chance to post a recap on the past week, show the books we have received and share what we plan for the coming week. Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality and the aim is to show our newest books and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops or downloaded on to their e-reader.

Tomb Raider Review:

I had planned to have this posted earlier in the week but what with hospital appointments and other things keeping us busy we never really found the time. So instead here is a mini review of one of my most anticipated films of the year. 
I grew up solidly in the Tomb Raider era and have always loved the games. I'm a huge fan of the reboot as well which brings the series into a more modern time with a heroine to fit. She's still Lara. But she is a more relatable Lara now. And the movie did a superb job of adapting the new games. There were a few things missing (notably some of the female characters) but for the most part the spirit and the action of the game carried over really well. There were so many moments where the gamer in me freaked out (quick time events made into a movie are somehow super pleasing) and exploding barrels. 
Alicia Vikander is, for me, the perfect Lara. She was bold and sarcastic and vulnerable and I loved her. I've heard a rumor she won't be returning for the sequel which, if true, breaks my heart. Having seen her as Lara Croft I am having trouble imagining anyone else in the role. 
This is easily my favourite video game adaptation (although yes - there isn't much in the way of competition) and I am really hopeful for the second movie. 

Books We Got This Week:

You know how last week I had NO haul. Well buckle up folks cause I make up for it this week (I went out to the cinema which is right by a Waterstones. I accept no responsibility for this coincidence). 
The Adventures of John Blake: Mystery of the Ghost ShipWitchbornCleanLady Mary
Orphan Monster SpyMeet Cute: Some People Are Destined to MeetThe Astonishing Colour of AfterNot If I Save You First
The Adventures of John Blake by Philip Pullman was a must buy for me. I've been wanting it since I first saw it at YALC last year. I have just finished this and fully loved it (obviously its Philip Pullman - how could I not?).
Witch Born by Nicholas Bowling: I've been going back and forth on this one. On the one hand the punishment for witches WAS NOT BURNING IN ENGLAND. I will fight this battle forever. (Side note: some witches were burned but not for being witches. It was usually for a secondary charge such as heresy). On the other hand witches and asylums. 
Clean by Juno Dawson: We met Juno Dawson (briefly) at YALC last year and saw her on a panel and she was incredible. I've only read This Book is Gay by her before and this looks amazing so I'm excited to read it.
Lady Mary by Lucy Worsley: I love Lucy Worsley so freaking much. She is the historical version of David Attenborough for me (in that I cannot skip past her tv shows in the slightest and accept everything she says as truth) so of course when I saw this signed copy of Lady Mary I needed it in my life.
Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen: My friend and Regal Critiques co-blogger reviewed this and it got bumped to the top of my wishlist. You can check out her review here (which I recommend).
Meet Cute: Anthologies are always fun to dip into and this looks diverse as heck which is all I really want. Plus Nina LaCour contributed to this (amongst others) so I am very excited.
The Astonishing Colour of After by Emily X.R. Pan: I was actually buying a copy of this for a friend and couldn't not buy myself one (wow double negatives yikes). I mean look at it - so pretty!!
Not If I Save You First by Ally Carter: Actually bought this for Ann because she loves Ally Carter's books but may steal it once she has read it because it looks like a lot of fun. 

Reading Update:

The Adventures of John Blake: Mystery of the Ghost Ship
The Adventures of John Blake by Philip Pullman: 4.5 stars, Once again I only managed one book but it was a really good one (again). The art style was perfect for me and I was instantly attached to the characters and engrossed in the story. This feels very different to Pullman's other work but is nonetheless delightful.


  1. I love your cover for Not If I Save You First. The US cover is so boring next to that one.

    1. I know! It's such a fun cover! I'll admit I haven't seen the US one though.

  2. You have some good looking books. I liked the original Tomb Raider and curious to see how this new one goes.

    My Sunday Post

    1. I feel like the original Tomb Raider movies fit very well with the original games (in that they were all awesome) and this new movie does a great job of keeping up with the reboot! Hope you get to see it (and enjoy it)!!

  3. I liked Tomb Raider too! Thought it was quite good. and if Vikander doesn't come back that would suck! Man they finally find the right actress... that would me sad.

    I am with you, putting a bookstore next to a cinema is NOT a good idea!!!

    1. I completely agree!! I've heard she has gotten a lot of criticism which I cannot for the life of me understand because she was entirely right for the role.
      And thank you! It's totally not my fault at all. Just bad street planning.

  4. Love the cover for Lady Mary and it being signed is awesome! Have a great week of reading!

    Mary my #SundayRoundup #13!

    1. The covers for her books are usually pretty good, I love the colour on this one! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. So many people are reading The Astonishing Color of After. I feel left out. It’s a really pretty book. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I honestly wasn't going to but I was picking up a copy so my friend could have the UK cover instead of the other one and it was so pretty I couldn't resist getting it for myself. And yeah, so many people seem to be reading and loving it!

  6. Oh my gosh, the over of Witch Born!!!
