
Tuesday 12 December 2017

Top Ten (OK Twelve) Books of 2017!!!

Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and you can find a full list of past and future topics here. This was a really daunting topic to me! How am I supposed to pick just 10 favourites?? But I did my best and these are 12 books that really stood out to me in 2017!

Dating Sarah Cooper
Dating Sarah Cooper
Possibly one of my new favourite books ever. I've already read it three times this year and I'm pretty sure I'll be reading it again and again in the future. It's short and sweet and so, so good. I also made Vera @ Regal Critiques read it and you can check out her review of it here

The Smoke Hunter
The Smoke Hunter
My first favourite book of the year. I received an ARC of this and my review is up here. Ann also then kindly got me a finished copy for my birthday so again this is a book I've already re-read! Think, Lara Croft meets Suffragettes with a swoony romance.

The Comfort of Secrets 
The Comfort of Secrets (Sweet Lake #2)
Ever since reading Sweet Lake (earlier this year as well), I've been a huge fan of Christine Nolfi's writing. This is the second book in that series and I loved it even more than the first. You can check out my reviews of both books here and here.

Daughter of the Burning City 
Daughter of the Burning City
This was on my TBR since it was first announced because anything to do with circuses or carnivals or anything remotely similar is right up my street! And this did not disappoint. My review of this is pretty gushy!

Crimson and Bone
Crimson and Bone
Marina Fiorato is possibly my favourite historical fiction writer and this is definitely my favourite of her books. It was dark and creepy and the characters and locations felt so real! Actually writing about it now makes me want to experience it again so badly! Again - review here!

Devil in Spring by Lisa Kleypas
Devil in Spring (The Ravenels, #3)
Hands down my favourite romance writer, and this is my favourite of her books (to date - she keeps getting better). I love the tie-in to Devil in Winter which was my previous favourite of her books. And the characters were so lovable.

My Lady Jane
My Lady Jane (The Lady Janies, #1)
I'd heard mixed things so I was initially nervous but oh my god this was so funny! The characters were perfect, the fantasy was incredible and the humour and romance were so on point. I can't wait for the rest of the Jane books to come out!!

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue (Guide, #1)
Another of my most anticipated releases of 2017 that definitely didn't let me down! Monty was fantastic, Percy was the absolute sweetest and Felicity - I am so looking forward to her book!!

Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Under Rose-Tainted Skies
Probably the best depiction of anxiety and agoraphobia I have ever read. I have both so was worried this would be triggering but actually felt super comforted reading about somebody in a similar situation to me!

We Have Always Lived in the Castle
We Have Always Lived in the Castle
I took one of those "what book should you read next" quizzes and got this. Out of sheer curiosity I ordered it and ended up adoring it! I am crazy about the sisters and their home and the ending was one of the best I have ever read!

After the Fire
After the Fire
I met Will Hill at YALC after reading this book (and fangirled a little). He was super lovely. And his book is incredible! I read this as it was part of the Zoella Book Club and it was my favourite of the books in that set!

Tiny Pretty Things
Tiny Pretty Things (Tiny Pretty Things, #1)
I describe this as the most Slytherin book I have ever read. And as a Slytherin that is a pretty high compliment. It was twisted and ambitious. All of the characters were somewhat unlikable which only made me like them more. 


  1. I need to read Daughter of the Burning City...

  2. DAUGHTER OF THE BURNING CITY keeps popping up on my radar! My library doesn't have a copy, so I may just buy it based on what I've been seeing. TINY PRETTY THINGS will be read soon! I do have a copy of it. I'll also be reading my first Lisa Kleypas book, COLD-HEARTED RAKE. I've heard amazing things about her, so I can't wait to start it! Awesome list.

    Do You Dog-ear?

  3. I haven't read any of the books on your list this week. Some of them will be added to my ever growing reading wishlist.

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  4. Clare, what an honor! Thank you for adding The Comfort of Secrets to your list of favorite books for 2017. I hope you'll enjoy the third book in the series, which I'll send your way in the coming months. The book is still untitled as I begin working on developmental edits this month. Lake Union will release the third Sweet Lake series book in July 2018.

    Wishing you a very merry holiday season!

  5. I recently read Daughter of the Burning City! The first half was really boring for me, but in the second half I got to know more about the characters and really got attached to them. The plot and pace picked up and i was finally engaged. The writing was consistently BEAUTIFUL all the way through, and I ended up giving it 3.5 stars. Some people have it enjoyed it more than me, though.

    Here's my TTT:

  6. Super awesome list. I haven't read any of them but I have Daughters of the Burning City out from the library right now.

  7. I LOVE ALL THE BOOKS I READ FROM HERE, so that obviously means I need to hurry the hell up and read the ones on my TBR I have not read. Also, with all the books you read I am hella surprised you managed to pick just 12 - I am super impressed, actually. Thanks for the shout out & for making me read Dating Sarah Cooper - IT WAS SO CUTE.
