
Sunday 26 November 2017

Sunday Post 26th November 2017

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer, it's a chance to post a recap on the past week, show the books we have received and share what we plan for the coming week. Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality and the aim is to show our newest books and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops or downloaded on to their e-reader.

We've been MIA all week which is mostly because we are MOVING! Hopefully soon although we don't have a fixed date yet. But it means lots of prepping and house showings and getting rid of books. We should be back to normal in the New Year and probably mostly normal in December! 

Books We Got This Week:

The Casquette Girls (The Casquette Girls #1)Dissension (Echo Hunter 367, #1)Labyrinth Lost (Brooklyn Brujas, #1)Ringer (Replica, #2)
The Casquette Girls by Alys Arden: The first (and only) sale book I was excited about. This looks gorgeous and creepy and I am excited for it!
Dissension by Stacey Berg: Never heard of this before but the blurb really intrigued me so I grabbed it anyway.
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova: I actually prefer this cover to the hardback which explains why I've waited so long to read this! I love the look of it and I've heard some great things!
Ringer by Lauren Oliver: I ordered this because I was really enjoying Replica and I've already read it. 
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers, #2)The Crown's Fate (The Crown's Game, #2)Jane, Unlimited
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet/A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers: Will be buddy-reading these with Vera at some point. Really looking forward to it because the goodreads reviews are insanely good.
The Crown's Fate by Evelyn Skye: Got this because I was planning to read The Crown's Game next and wanted to read them back to back - and then I rearranged my room and lost The Crown's Game. It's here somewhere. I'll find it. Someday.
Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore: Super anticipating this. I had it pre-ordered (it was released in September) but for some reason my order took forever to arrive! It was one of the most exciting releases of the year for me!
The Last Namsara (Iskari, #1)Furyborn (The Empirium Trilogy, #1)
The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli: I got another copy of this in my Fairy Loot box this month! I have passed on my original copy to Ann and am keeping this one because it's an exclusive cover (silver writing instead of gold?) and because I had a signed bookplate for it. 
Furyborn by Claire Legrand: I LOVED Winterspell by Legrand and have been impatiently waiting for another YA fantasy from her ever since. This is one of my most anticipated releases of 2018 and I can't believe I actually own it now. Keep stroking it to make sure it's real!!

Reading Update:

HeartlessReplica (Replica, #1)Ringer (Replica, #2)Close To Me
Heartless by Marissa Meyer: 3 stars, This wasn't bad. It was just that knowing how it ended took out some of the tension. And the story itself was very slow. Also I would have married the King. I really would. I don't know what that says about me but I was confused at how badly she didn't want to because he was "too nice". 
Replica by Lauren Oliver: 4 stars, Super enjoyable. I read it one chapter from either side at a time which meant I was constantly flipping the book over (and confusing people on the bus) but I loved the way that made the story work. 
Ringer by Lauren Oliver: 3 stars, Less enthralling than the first book. The format and the characters were still super interesting but I think it would have worked as a standalone? Still a good read though!
Close to Me by Amanda Reynolds: 3 stars, Memory loss is always a weird one for me. I have memory loss, a huge chunk gone so sometimes its really reassuring to read about and sometimes it just bugs me. This one was more the former. You get to see her past in alternate chapters so although she cant remember anything, there isn't a lot you don't get to see. And that made the mystery more about interpretation and assumptions which was interesting. I did find it an enjoyable read  but also didn't find it very thrilling as it wasn't as twisty or as twisted as I like my thrillers. Full review coming soon!


  1. I have some of these books too. And I spy a few I'll be checking out. Every time I move I have some boxes of books I mean to get rid of. Funny how they end up at the new house. LOL

    My Sunday Post

    1. I always have the best of intentions when getting rid of books but it's so tempting to just keep them!!

  2. Replica by Lauren Oliver has been on my TBR too long. I love her writing and need to rad this asap. Close to Me sounds really good too.

    Hope the moving is going smoothly!

    1. I hope you get to read Replica soon! It was really enjoyable!

  3. I felt the same way. Loved Replica, and although I enjoyed Ringer, I didn't feel we needed another book. I did like that Oliver gave both Gemma and Lyra hopeful endings. I really liked Labyrinth Lost and am looking forward to reading the next book. I hope you enjoy your new books and good luck with the move!

    1. Yes that's exactly it. It wasn't a bad book I'm just not sure it was needed. Glad to hear you liked Labyrinth Lost I am really excited for that one!!
      And thank you!!

  4. Wow. I'm going to have to see what Furyborn is about. Great haul!

    1. It sounds really good and her first book was excellent!!

  5. I am curious about Lauren Oliver's books...and I am eyeing Jane, Unlimited.

    Ooh, just the thought of moving keeps me planted here, ten years after moving in; the whole packing, purging thing gives me a panicky feeling. I have purged some books over the years, but I still have lots of stuff that I've accumulated.

    Good luck with your move, and enjoy this week's haul. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I am exactly the same! I get so firmly entrenched wherever I live that moving becomes super complicated and stressful. I never realised I had so much stuff!! But the move should be good so I'm excited as well!

  6. Phew, that's a lot of books! I adore the new cover of Labyrinth Lost. I won a copy during BFest and I've had it on my shelf... I need to read it at some point. :D I hope you both enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week. =)

    Check out my STS post!

    1. I know! Here I am trying to give away my books and I get more books than usual??? Bad planning on my part I think! Hope you get to read Labyrinth Lost soon, and enjoy it!
