
Sunday 1 October 2017

Sunday Post 30th September 2017

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer, it's a chance to post a recap on the past week, show the books we have received and share what we plan for the coming week. Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality and the aim is to show our newest books and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops or downloaded on to their e-reader.

Last Week on the Blog:

  • Monday Highlights #25

Books We Got This Week:

Island of Exiles (The Ryogan Chronicles, #1)The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous MagicBurning Glass (Burning Glass, #1)
Island of Exiles by Erica Cameron: I've been going back and forth on whether to get this ever since it was released. Amazon had it for £3 this week so I took it as a sign and went for it! This looks like a really fun story.
The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo: OMG so excited for this and it is genuinely the most beautiful book I have ever owned!
Burning Glass by Kathryn Purdie: Picked this up at Waterstones because I couldn't resist. Its such a pretty book and although it does sound a little cliché it also sounds really exciting and could be more unique than I am expecting?

The next three were all gifts from the amazing Vera @ Regal Critiques!! So thank you very much to her!
I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, #1)RevivedWish You Were Dead (Thrillogy, #1)
I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga: This is one I have heard SO MUCH about and I am super excited to dive into this. This also sounds very much Ann's kind of book!
Revived by Cat Patrick: I read the first book in this series (although I believe series is a loose term here) and really enjoyed it so I'm looking forward to this one.
Wish You Were Dead by Todd Strasser: Haven't actually heard much about this one but it definitely intrigues me and sounds very Halloween appropriate!

Reading Update:

Black Bird of the GallowsS.T.A.G.SBurningBreaking
Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel: 4.5 stars, I was in two minds about reading this initially. On the one hand I was intrigued but on the other didn't it sound very cliché? But then I got approved for it on Netgalley and I am SO GLAD I did. This was a refreshing mix of the nostalgic/comforting and the exciting/unique. The writing was excellent and the characters were very strong. I will have a full review coming soon.
S.T.A.G.S by M.A. Bennet: 2.5 stars, What sucks is I was REALLY excited for this one!! I had so much hope. But it was boring and predictable, I didn't much care about the characters and the concept itself did not ring true at all.
Burning by Danielle Rollins: 3 stars, I actually read this after Breaking because I'm an idiot but this is the first book in the series. I found it to be not as compelling as Breaking which is probably half my fault anyway!
Breaking by Danielle Rollins: 4 stars, Really compelling and interesting. Very unlikable characters but in a good way - just really enjoyed this. Full review coming soon!

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare), Facebook and Instagram to keep up with what we are reading.


  1. I'll have to check out the Cat Patrick book since I liked another of her books that I read. And The Language of Thorns does look good, can't wait to get a physical copy.

    1. It is genuinely the most beautiful book I have ever owned (which is some tough competition)!

  2. That's too bad you were disappointed with S.T.A.G.S, sometimes it seems the ones we don't expect to be good are the best, and the ones we want to be good are totally meh :) have a great October!

    1. That's probably why as well! Going in with high expectations makes disappointment more likely I guess! Hope you have an amazing October! :)

  3. I haven't read most of these books. I have to check them out. Enjoy your new books and have a wonderful week. :)

    1. The books we got this week are so exciting! Can't wait to read them!

  4. Most of these are new books / authors for me. :)
    Have a good week!

    1. I love discovering new to me books and authors! I hope you get inspired to check any of these out!

  5. Ooh, I really hope you'll like the books I sent, especially I Hunt Killers, and then we could continue the series together haha. NEED TO READ BREAKING!! I'll try to get to it this month, but I've had zero motivation to read any review copies lately. :| I'm really excited for Black Bird of the Gallows and, of course, Language of Thorns. Wonderful post! :D

    1. I'm waiting to read Language of Thorns till your copy arrives cause I NEED TO FANGIRL! Black Bird of the Gallows was really good imo let me know when you read it!! :)

  6. I was curious about STAGS because of the concept, but it sounds like it was not excited well. =/

    1. It wasn't tense at all which I had expected it to be. And I never thought I'd be bored with a concept that interesting but I was! Which is a real shame!

  7. Your new books are amazing! Burning Glass is one that I need to check out! Enjoy them all and have a wonderful week.

    Jenea's Book Obsession's Sunday Post

    1. I've been meaning to read it for SO LONG now I'm hoping I manage to pick it up soon! Hope you get to read it soon too!

  8. I hope you guys like Bardugo's newest! :)
