
Friday 21 April 2017

Friday Reads 21st April 2017

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice and Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader. The idea is to share a sentence or so from the first page and the 56th page of the book you are currently reading!

My Sister
Book Beginning:
"The buzzing of my telephone is like the scuttling of a cockroach under the bed. No real danger, yet still I am terrified."

Friday 56:
"They are not my parents," I say unconvincingly."

This week I am sharing a bit of a book that I haven't actually started yet (but am just about to). I will be taking part in a blog tour for this next Thursday! I relate so very much to that opening sentence (although probably for slightly different reasons). I have anxiety and for some reason part of that anxiety has decided phone calls are dangerous and so the phone ringing is terrifying!! And I love that 56 because from the little I know of the plot so far - it seems very much the point. 

My Sister tells the story of Irini, who was given away by her parents at the age of three, whilst her volatile, destructive sister was kept within the family. Twenty years later Irini receives a phone call from her estranged sister to say that their mother has died, compelling her to return for the first time to the family home, and to uncover the shocking truth that has defined both their lives. 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare), Facebook and Instagram to keep up with what we are reading. 


  1. This sounds interesting, but eww that first sentence. :) Looks like a good thriller.

    1. I know! Super evocative but also very skin-crawly! It was very good at making me doubt myself and the characters!

  2. Sounds like my kind of book. I'll look out for it, and your review. Thanks for sharing. My Friday book is The Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty.

    1. My review will be up on Thursday! I had a couple of problems with the characters but it felt very real and unsettling which was great!

  3. Sounds like a very disturbing book. I hope it is good and resolves well.

    1. Very! Super unsettling - I actually thought I didn't like it for a while just because I felt uncomfortable but then I realised I was SUPPOSED to! And I kinda liked the resolution!

  4. The teases are great and I do like that cover.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

    1. Thanks for stopping by! And yeah I like the cover as well!

  5. Interesting beginning. I am curious to find out more. Here is my post

    1. My review will be up on Thursday if you want to know more! It was a good read!

  6. I hate the sound of the phone, too, especially at night. This book sounds like one I would love. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine: “WOMAN NO. 17”

    1. Yeah phone calls at night are never good. I think you'd probably enjoy My Sister.

  7. Amazing how good all these book blog tours can be for a book. I've seen this one around it already caught my attention!

    Luckily you have books and people in those books AND on the blogosphere who also deal with anxiety. Books are the greatest!

    Hope you will have a good weekend and have a look at my Friday Meets:

    1. I know! I've discovered so many books through blog tours!
      And yeah - super grateful for the blogging community! I was always worried about talking about my anxiety but I've had nothing but support. And read quite a few accurate-anxiety reads lately!

  8. This book sounds interesting. I don't really suffer from anxiety, but when the phone rings after 9pm in our home, my heart starts racing. I think it's from the years when my father was sick before he passed and calls that late (at least for our home) usually meant something medical had happened. Hope you love this one and I look forward to your review!

    1. Yeah I think even without anxiety a phone call in the middle of the night is scary. Calls that late in our home usually involve my granddad so I know what you mean.
      It was a good book!

  9. Sounds fascinating. I have a tendency not to answer the phone very often. I love caller ID. If I don't recognize the name or number I just let it ring. Come see what Grave Visions by Kalayna Price has to offer. Happy reading!

    1. Same! Without caller ID I'd be so stuck! If it's important whoever it is can leave a message anyway.

  10. That does describe a phone alright. Like Kathy I often do not answer because I do not recognize the caller.

    1. Yep. Just too anxiety inducing to take a phone call when you don't know who it is on the other end! Been reading a lot of thrillers lately and this phone call issue is a common theme!

  11. Sorry to hear about your phone anxiety. One of my family members has anxieties, too. They can be tough.

    Hope you enjoy the book.

    1. I have anxiety about so many things for some reason it fixated on phones as the biggest though. It's the weirdest thing!
      It was a good book!

  12. You have piqued my curiosity! Happy weekend!

    1. It was a very engaging read! Hope you've had a lovely weekend!

  13. You had me at cockroach. I know the feeling!

    1. I know! Such a good first sentence really, so evocative of the feeling of anxiety!

  14. That sounds intriguing. Happy reading!

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My 56 & Book Beginnings:

  15. I bet this book will be good! I like the cover as well. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Its a wonderfully creepy cover I think! Thanks for visiting!
