
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Top 5 Favourites That Are Not Books

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly feature and you can find the goodreads group here. I have a lot of things that I really like at the moment so it was tough narrowing it down to 5 of them!

1) Shadowhunters
I was not sure about this series at first but now I am really enjoying it although I am a little confused because they have gone a bit away from the plot of the books.

2) Smarties
I have not had smarties in a really long time but I recently started eating them again and I remembered how much I used to love them!

3) The Sims
The sims is so much fun and I can often end up spending hours playing it instead of doing homework which is problematic sometimes!

4) Pugs
Pugs are definitely my favourite type of dog because they are so cute but I do know that some people don't like them, I just personally think that they are adorable.

5) Fidget Cube
This is only something that I got recently to try and help with my anxiety and so far it has worked really well and I really love it!

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I'm not exactly convinced with the first season of shadowhunters either, but I heard the second season is better so I'm going to give it a try. Pugs are so cute, I don't know how some people could find pugs ugly :(

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. I hope you enjoy Shadowhunters season 2 and I don't understand either but apparently some people don't like pugs!

  2. Shadowhunters made my T5W too! Aww man I used to be so addicted to The Sims, when I got a new computer I never installed it which was probably a good idea in the long run as like you I could spend hours on it without realising! :P
    My Top 5 Wednesday.

    1. I'm really enjoying Shadowhunters at the moment! You should reinstall The Sims because it is so much fun! Thanks for visiting!

  3. I spend many many hours playing sims too so I know the constant struggle! Love your blog by the way :)
