
Saturday 25 February 2017

March Releases We're Excited For!!

March has surprisingly few releases (unless I missed loads) but the ones there are look incredible. Plus it's my birthday month! So I may have to treat myself and grab some of these? 

The Bone Witch (The Bone Witch, #1)Done Dirt Cheap
The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco: Diversity and necromancy and a beautiful cover?? My copy doesn't even have an estimated delivery date yet (for some reason having really bad luck with Amazon Prime lately) but I need it now please?
Done Dirt Cheap by Sarah Nicole Lemon: Girl power and apparently super good romance! I don't know a lot about this one but so many authors I love have been recommending it so - I want it! 

A Psalm for Lost GirlsThese Ruthless Deeds (These Vicious Masks, #2)Hunted
A Psalm for Lost Girls by Katie Bayerl: This one intrigues me but I am also a little hesitant about it. I think I will definitely be waiting and reading some reviews before reading it. If you've already read it - what did you think?
These Ruthless Deeds by Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas: Sequel to These Vicious Masks which I really enjoyed last year! I didn't love it as much as I expected to but I am still really excited for this one!
Hunted by Meagan Spooner: Possibly my most anticipated for March?? Although that's hard to say - but a Beauty and the Beast retelling from Meagan Spooner who co-wrote the These Broken Stars trilogy just sounds incredible.

Shadow Run (Kaitan Chronicles, #1)
Shadow Run by Adrianne Strickland and Michael Miller: This is one of those that's been added to my wishlist with hardly any information. I know it's "Firefly meets Dune" and that's about it.

A Crown of Wishes (The Star-Touched Queen, #2)Blood Rose Rebellion (Blood Rose Rebellion, #1)Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer, #1)
A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi: Honestly liked, but didn't love, The Star Touched Queen. Roshani's writing was great but I didn't connect to the characters. But Gauri was a favourite of mine so I am excited for her to get her own book and this sounds more my kind of read?
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves: Been hearing really mixed reviews about this one. Some love it, some really don't - I am holding off for a while. The premise intrigued me but some of the reviews make me nervous so again - if you've already read it what are your thoughts?
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor: I just, I've been waiting so long for this already. This is the main competition with Hunted for my most anticipated of March. I need it already. Also - do you prefer the UK or the US cover? I really love the US one but I keep coming back to the UK one so...? Can I just have both?

Let me know what books you are most excited for in March - especially if I missed any! 2017 is just turning out to be such an exciting book release year! 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading 


  1. I'm so excited for Hunted! I've been waiting for it for 2+ years (I mean, Meghan Spooner + Beauty and the Beast? GIMMIE.) and can't believe it's nearly here. I also heard pretty awesome things about it, so yay.
    I'm SO DISAPPOINTED over all the negative reviews Blood Rose Rebellion received - literally the only YA I know of that's set in Hungary, AND IT'S BAD? HOW? WHY? I'm crying. I just can't. I'm putting off fully reading any of the reviews until I read the book, because I don't even want to know what's so bad about it. I'll see for myself. *sobs*
    I'm lowkey waiting for A Psalm for Lost Girls and Strange the Dreamer - both sound fantastic, but I'm not sure the A Psalm is for me, while I've been waiting for StD for so long that I kind of lost interest??? My mind works in mysterious (aka dumb) ways. I like both covers, but I think I'd like to see the UK cover on my shelf, rather than the US one. The color is gorgeous.
    Hope you'll enjoy all these!!

    1. Maybe we should buddy read Blood Rose Rebellion? I was really excited about it because the setting was so unique and I want it to be good! Yeah same for A Psalm - looks great but not necessarily for me?
      I haven't lost interest in StD yet thankfully! And the UK first edition is super gorgeous, sprayed pages and signed with artwork by the author? I just am so glad I pre-orderde!

  2. Shadow Run I'm curious about. And Done Dirt Cheap looks fun.

    1. Yeah, I really want to know more about Shadow Run - going to have to research it a bit! And I am excited for Done Dirt Cheap!

  3. So many coming up! I forgot These Ruthless Deeds was coming up so quickly! :)

  4. I'm most excited for hunted and the bone witch. I've heard really good things about hunted but not so great things about the bone witch. I'm hoping I'll still enjoy it though!
