
Tuesday 20 December 2016

Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under my Tree

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. You can find a list of past and future topics here. This week I am only focusing on books that are already out, so no wishing for unreleased books! But I still have such a lot to long for!

1) Who Does He Think He Is by Emily Kerr
Who Does He Think He Is?
I saw this recently mentioned on Art & Soul and now I just desperately want it. I'm on a self imposed book buying ban at the moment though so who knows when I will actually get it!!

2) Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal
Ghost Talkers
I read half of Kowal's Glamourist Histories and really enjoyed it (which reminds me I must finish the series) and this one sounds like something I would enjoy even more. I've heard some great things as well.

3) Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes
Crystal Storm (Falling Kingdoms, #5)
My brother got me the first four books for Christmas last year and I absolutely loved them. So I am very keen to read this as soon as possible!

4) A New York Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin
A New York Winter's Tale
I watched this with my brother earlier this year, it's not something either of us would normally watch but we ended up really enjoying it and now I am curious to read the book - although it is absolutely enormous.

5) Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
This is one of those books that gets so much love and yet I have somehow never read it? It's so frustrating because it's been on my wish list for so long but keeps getting pushed down by newer books. It sounds amazing.

6) As I Descended by Robin Talley
As I Descended
I don't know much about this except that it's a Macbeth retelling? I think. Correct me if I am wrong. But that really intrigues me and I definitely want to know more.

7) Alice by Christina Henry
Alice (The Chronicles of Alice, #1)
I feel like I am constantly on the lookout for Alice in Wonderland retellings - it was the first book I ever read and I can never get enough. So this has been on my wish list for a while as well. I've heard it's pretty dark which is interesting because most Wonderland retellings seem to focus on the quirky.

8) A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan
A Natural History of Dragons (The Memoirs of Lady Trent #1)
There are dragons. You need more? There are illustrations. Of dragons. 

9) Am I Normal Yet by Holly Bourne
Am I Normal Yet? (The Spinster Club, #1)
I've only read one other book by Holly Bourne but really enjoyed it and I've head amazing things about the Spinster Club series. I believe it is now complete so it would be a great time to dive in.

10) Star Wars: Bloodline by Claudia Gray
Bloodline (Star Wars)
I've never read a Star Wars book. I have, however, read books by Claudia Gray and loved them so I am confident in her ability to write an amazing Star Wars book. 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading.


  1. Bloodline was quite good, hope you like it. :) And I've been very curious about the Crystal Storm and Dragons books.

    1. I am glad to hear you liked it! I will definitely have to pick it up soon then! I love the Falling Kingdoms books - I think you will inevitable by disappointed if you expect too much from the Game of Thrones comparisons (not a lot can live up to that) but they are great YA fantasies with some compelling characters! The Dragons books I have been wanting for quite a while! :)

  2. I treated myself to all 4 books in that Brennan series this year when I saw them on Book Outlet. I'm really looking forward to starting them. I also have that copy of Alice but I had to order it from Book Depository to get that cover.

    1. There's a fifth book coming out soon too which is exciting! I often find myself ordering from Book Depository just to get the specific cover I want!!

  3. Let's hope we both get to Ari and Dante in the new year. Hope you enjoy your holidays!

    1. Definitely! Hope you enjoy your holidays too!

  4. Yes, I really want to try Ghost Talkers, too!

  5. I haven't read any of these novels yet, but I'm dying to finally read Am I Normal Yet?. I heard nothing but awesome things about it. Maybe we could buddy-read it? :P Aristotle and Dante is another one I'm looking forward to, though I'm a bit scared of it, because I read a small part of it at the bookstore and it didn't catch my attention quite as much as I'd hoped.
    Anyhow, hope you'll get all these novels soon! :)

    1. Haha we definitely should! :P Have to get a copy of it first though! Shame Aristotle and Dante didn't grab your attention, maybe the book as a whole would be better? :)
