
Tuesday 25 October 2016

Top Ten Creepy Reads on my TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke & The Bookish. You can find the link up for this week's topic here and a list of past and future topics here. Last year I really embraced seasonal reading and my October TBR was full of creepy reads. This year I have gone completely off topic - which means there are so many Halloween-appropriate reads that I haven't managed to read yet!

1) The Disciple by Stephen Lloyd Jones
The Disciple
I took part in a Blog Tour for this recently and I am so intrigued by this book. It looks like it would be a really scary book, which I am not always great with, but the author made it sound so brilliant and it made me really excited to read it.

2) Autumn Thorns by Yasmine Galenorn
Autumn Thorns (Whisper Hollow #1)
The blurb for this says that "spirits walk among the living and the lake never gives up her dead" which sounds wonderfully creepy. I was sent the second book in this series for review and so now I really need to read this book!

3) Nightfall by Jake Halpern
I very nearly bought a copy of this just the other day and then hesitated when I realised it might be too scary for me. But I am still very intrigued so who knows? If you've read this please let me know what you thought of it and how scary it really is?

4) The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
The Haunting of Hill House
This is a book that I see constantly on lists of books for Halloween or creepy ghost stories and every time I see it I want to read it more and more. This is supposedly a book that "helped define" the supernatural thriller genre so it's a definite must read.

5) The Fall by Bethany Griffin
The Fall
The cover alone on this one is pretty creepy. Add to that the main character wakes up in a coffin and that its based on Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher and you have some guaranteed creepiness.

6) In the Shadows by Kiersten White and Jim DiBartolo
In the Shadows
The format of this story really intrigues me as half the story is told like a regular novel and the other half is illustrations. I have really enjoyed other books by Kiersten White so I really want to read this.

7) The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey
The Monstrumologist (The Monstrumologist, #1)
I read The 5th Wave and thought it was OK, but from what I hear this series is way better. For some reason though it's really hard to get a hold of copies of this series. Which is frustrating.

8) Her Dark Curiosity by Megan Shepherd
Her Dark Curiosity (The Madman's Daughter, #2)
I read The Madman's Daughter a couple of Halloween's ago and really enjoyed it but for some reason never continued the series. It's definitely still on my TBR though along with the third book in the series A Cold Legacy.

9) The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
The Forest of Hands and Teeth (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #1)
This book seems to come up whenever zombies are mentioned and yet somehow I have never read it! And I still can't quite understand how I haven't. I've heard the sequels aren't as good but almost everyone seems to agree that this first book is great.

10) Jackaby by William Ritter
Jackaby (Jackaby, #1)
This is another one where the sequels don't seem to be as well loved as the first book. But I have heard such amazing things about this one and I definitely want to read it soon.

Bonus: Yesternight by Cat Winters
This isn't published in the UK until the 3rd November which is so sad because it would have made a perfect Halloween read! I love Cat Winters' books and I am desperate to read this.

Bonus Bonus: Stalking Jack the Ripper by Keri Maniscalco
Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper, #1)
This is released on the 27th in the UK and I will probably be reading it on Halloween. I don't really do Halloween parties (I did once but I am not a great party person) so my Halloween will be mostly reading, eating chocolate and watching some not-so-scary Halloween movies (currently planning on doing a Tremors marathon). So this will be my Halloween night read. 

Let me know if you have any plans for Halloween? Are you dressing up at all? And do you have any creepy recommendations for me?

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. Autumn Thorns is one I've not heard of, but I love the creativity of the cover art. I have been curious about Her Dark Curiosity and 'Jack Ripper.' Especially the latter, which I read/hear is really good. :)

    1. Autumn Thorns has such a great cover, I agree! I swear everything I hear about Stalking Jack the Ripper is amazing - I have not seen one bad review!

    2. I don't think I have either. Also, Jackaby is on my shelf, so I'm curious about that one. :)

      Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland, Clare.

    3. If you do read Jackaby I would love to know what you think of it!

  2. I am completely sucked in by the idea of a novelization of The Fall of the House of Usher. I need it.

    1. Same! I feel like it would be so, so amazing!

  3. These are great choices! I want to read Forest of Hands and Teeth at some point, since my friend who's such a huge fan of zombies has been raving about it. I wanted to dress up for Halloween but I'm kinda too lazy to put an effort this year so I'll probably go as Wednesday Addams lol. I'll be doing a horror book readathon this weekend too. I'll start with Ring by Koji Suzuki first :)

    1. Wednesday Addams is a great Halloween costume! She is so wonderful! The Ring film has always terrified me so much I can't even watch it - trailers and clips alone are too much! So I am not sure I could ever read the book but I hope you enjoy it! :)

  4. I haven't read a lot of these, but I did like The Monstrumologist! It was a little too gory for me to keep going with the series though. Also I didn't love The Forest of Hands and Teeth but that series just got better and better with every book, so I definitely recommend book 3!

    Kritika @ Snowflakes & Spider silk

    1. I am not sure gory is my thing, so maybe I wouldn't enjoy The Monstrumologist but I think I would still like to try it. And glad to hear The Forest of Hands and Teeth improves as it goes along!

  5. Autumn Thorns (love that title) sounds good, and Nightfall was one I considered putting on my TBR too. I love the title of that one as well, and the cover with the misty woods. I haven't seen any reviews but it looks like a fun Halloween read. And a Tremors marathon- love it!!

    1. The Nightfall cover is great and the premise sounds so intriguing but I am such a wimp! I've only seen the first Tremors film before but I bought a boxset of the films on Saturday so now I can marathon and I am super excited!

  6. I hope you do read Stalking Jack the Ripper on Halloween!! That is too perfect. It's a really good book and I highly recommend!

    1. Glad to hear you liked it! As long as it arrives on time I should be reading it on Halloween, I've been having a lot of problems with Amazons release day delivery lately but fingers crossed because it would be perfect!

  7. New follower! I'm a huge fan of The Forest of Hands and Teeth. But I also really enjoyed The Fall. Great list. Have a great week!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Thanks for following! Glad you enjoyed both of those - I definitely want to read them soon!

  8. The cover for The Fall is definitely creepy. That girl gives me the chills. Thank you for stopping by. :)

    1. It's definitely the creepiest cover on the list!

  9. OMG! I always wanted to get Nightfall, I might go now to AMazon and get it! I love your list, I love seeing new books!
    My TTT.

    1. It was only £3 on Amazon in the UK the other day and I was so, so tempted! Thanks for visiting!

  10. I really want to read Stalking Jack the Ripper. It sounds fantastic and I hope you enjoy it this Halloween. Great list!

  11. Oh wow I just want to read all of those. Lol. *expands TBR* thanks for stopping by my blog. Your list is great.

  12. Autumn Thorns and In the Shadows look fantastic. Great list!

    1. I am hoping to read Autumn Thorns soon - it looks so great! And I am super intrigued by In the Shadows!

  13. Nightfall and Stalking Jack the Ripper are on my TBR too. I hope you enjoy them. :)

    1. They both look so good - especially Stalking Jack the Ripper! Hope you enjoy them too!

  14. Ok I'm not going to lie I want to read half the books you posted on your list haha!

    1. Yay! They all look so good - how could you possibly resist!?

  15. I've only heard of a couple of these, but haven't gotten around to reading them! Like Stalking Jack the Ripper, and The Fall (though that cover is pretty creepy), and Her Dark Curiosity. Jackaby interests me a bit, but I don't really know if I would actually read it. Maybe if I see it at the library I'll pick it up.

    1. The Fall cover is so creepy! I was kind of feeling the same about Jackaby - it interests me but I've heard such mixed things about the sequels!

  16. I'm totally intrigued by the copy of Nightfall, too! I don't know how you resisted picking it up. I'll definitely be checking it out. Thanks for the recommendation!

    My TTT:

    1. Hope you enjoy it! It looks like a great read!
