
Friday 28 October 2016

Friday Reads 28th October 2016

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice and Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader. The idea is to share a sentence or so from the first page and the 56th page of the book you are currently reading! 
With Malice
Book Beginning:
"Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.I'm not a morning person. Understatement.My hand couldn't seem to muster the energy to turn off the alarm. It picked at the covers. The blanket felt wrong. Scratchy. Thin. This isn't my bed."

Friday 56:
"As she clicked through, a photo of a tiny red car crunched almost beyond belief flashed on the screen. My stomach lurched. Was that the car? Why was a car crash in Italy a big news story? I figured when I flew home, our local TV station would do something, but I never imagined it would be all over the internet." 

 I am only one chapter in to this so far and not sure how I feel about it yet. I don't particularly like the main character - not that I dislike her I just don't really care about her either way yet. She spent a lot of time in the first chapter musing on how wonderful her friend was which has convinced me that A) her friend is definitely the one who died in the car accident and B) her friend is definitely not wonderful. At all. Definite betrayals going to be revealed I am sure. I also already have an idea about what happened although I could be wrong.

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I haven't heard of this one before, and it seems okay. I hope you enjoy it. :-)

  2. I like the title and the cover and the 56 very much! The opening line makes me wonder where the hell she is?? Keep reading and keep us posted - how else are we going to know? Happy weekend Clare and here's my Friday Meets:

    1. Haha! She is in hospital in the first chapter! Happy weekend!

  3. Hmmm I've been curious about this and will be keen to see what you think. the whole memory loss thing and potential for twistiness does have me intrigued. :)

    1. The memory loss will have a huge impact on how this story goes I think, which will be interesting!

  4. The title grabbed me and your teases are awesome. Sounds like a great read to me. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  5. I have been eyeing this book...I have enjoyed a few books with memory-challenged characters. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I think the memory loss is an interesting touch in this book - definitely affects how things are related to the reader!

  6. Pulled me in. Sounds like a gripping story! Happy weekend!

  7. Hope you become closer to that character. I hate those characters who leave me feeling nothing.

    1. I would rather outright dislike a character than feel nothing I think! Hopefully she will grow on me!

  8. I hadn't seen this cover before, I think I like this one more than the U.S. cover! I hope you enjoy, I really loved it!

    1. I'm not sure which I prefer! The US is prettier I think but the UK seems more relevant to the story? It's a hard call.

  9. Not a great sign when you can figure out the plot so early. Hopefully this one improves for you.

    1. It's reminding me a bit of Dangerous Girls - except Dangerous Girls kept me guessing to the last page. Hope this one gets a bit more complicated than I am expecting it to!

  10. The title alone is very compelling. Hope you like the book.

  11. I've been meaning to get my hands on a copy of With Malice.

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. It was a good read - I think I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't previously read Dangerous Girls which is a bit similar.
