
Monday 25 April 2016

Cover Characteristic: Circus

Cover Characteristic is a weekly feature over at Sugar & Snark. This topic got me so excited! The circus is one of my favourite things - when I got my exam results in secondary school my Dad took me out to the circus. It's basically just my perfect day out and one of the easiest ways to make me happy! So, as you can imagine, I basically read any book that says its about a circus - which meant I had quite a good starting point for this week!
The Night Circus
Water for ElephantsThat Time I Joined the CircusChurch of Marvels
CarniepunkCarnival of ShadowsThe Wanderers (The Wanderers, #1)
I just love all these covers so much! I love how constant the circus tent is! I chose The Night Circus as my favourite partly because I just genuinely loved the book itself and partly because every single one of its many covers applies here - I chose the one on my copy but I could equally have chosen the French or German covers which are just as gorgeous. But I do love all of these. There are a couple here I haven't actually read yet (terrible I know) but they are high on my I-Need list so I am sure I will get to them soon!

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. Circuses are fun- I used some of the same ones you did (I think there may be a lot of overlap this week). I love That Time I Joined The Circus, Carniepunk is awesome And I need to read The Wanderers!

  2. Ahhh someone else who also loves circus books! I am also so excited about this week's topic and am looking forward to adding more books to my TBR from everyone's lists, any circus books I haven't found yet lol.

    I also used The Night Circus and That Time I Joined the Circus---love those. Church of Marvels and The Wanderers are great too. (I like the cover you found for CoM better than the one I've seen before.) Water for Elephants is the only one on your list that I've read, but it's a great book!

  3. Oh fantastic covers!! I loved this weeks pick! I also have The Night Circus and That Time I Joined the Circus. LOL.

    Feel free to pop over and check out my Cover Characteristic

    Shubba @ Wee Shubba's World.

  4. Beautiful selection! We all love circus books apparently. Well what's not to love! You gave me a couple of ideas for new Circus books. Thanks!

  5. The Wanderers is so subtle and cute! I know want to read circus books. :)

  6. I had Water for Elephants as well! Great picks!
    Check out my Covers
