
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Top Ten Books I Really Love But Feel Like I Never Talk About!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke & the Bookish and you can check it out here if you would like to take part!

1) Chime by Franny Billingsley
I've think I may have mentioned this before as a favourite fairy tale story but I just loved this book. It's a little darker than I expected and there are some surprises along the way. 

2) The Princess Bride 
The Princess Bride
This is kind of a no-brainer for me. I love The Princess Bride so much. And yet I never talk about it! (Side note; I can quote the movie word for word the whole way through - which is an odd talent to have.)

3) Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn
Silent in the Grave (Lady Julia, #1)
I used to think I hated historical mysteries until I read this series. I love all of Deanna Raybourn's books but this series has a special place in my heart as it was one of my first of hers.

4) Red by Alison Cherry
This appealed to me as a red-head and the book was full of great characters and the plot was amazing. Thinking about it makes me desperately want to re-read it. 

5) Tainted Angel by Anne Cleeland
Tainted Angel (Regency, #1)
There is no way to know who to trust in this book which I absolutely loved. I can't remember the last time I questioned the true allegiance of everyone so often - including the main character. Who, by the way, was absolutely awesome.

6) The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice
The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets
A friend recommended this to me once and I tried it not really expecting to like it since it's not my usual genre but I absolutely love it. It's nothing like you'd expect it to be from the blurb and the historical details were amazing. 

7) Madam, Will You Talk by Mary Stewart
Madam, Will You Talk?
Mary Stewarts books are always a hit with me, but this was the first of hers I read so I will always love it just a bit more! I never saw the twist coming (I may just be really dumb) and even on re-reading it never loses its charm.

8) I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella
I've Got Your Number
Not the first Sophie Kinsella I ever read but this book made me laugh so much. I recently lent it to Ann and she loved it just as much.

9) Season of Storms by Susanna Kearsley
Season of Storms
I can't remember the first Susanna Kearlsey book I read and I love all of her books so it was hard for me to pick just one. But this (and Sophia's Secret) seems to be the one I return to most often.

10) The Ordinary Princess by M.M. Kaye
The Ordinary Princess
My favourite childhood book. I'm pretty sure I've read this so often I could recite the story. It's fun and sweet and just a really great story with a main character who is so easy to love.

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. Nice picks for this week! I haven't read any of the books on your list... I'll have to expand my reading horizons!!

    Here's a link to my TTT for this week:

    1. Well I definitely recommend all of them (obviously) hope you get a chance to read some of them!

  2. I keep planning to reread Mary Stewart's books, and I've even gone so far as to order the one I want to read the most, but I haven't gotten around to it yet....

    Here's my Great Books I Almost Forgot to Share With You!

    1. I have a few favourites I reread often but there are some I haven't read in a while and I definitely need to!

  3. Princess bride FTW. So quotable... love that movie. And The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets- I don't know anything about it but that's a great title! Sounds fun. :)

    1. It's quite possibly my favourite movie of all time which is a big thing to say! And no, I've never heard anyone (outside of my friend) mention TLAoKS but I absolutely love it! :)

  4. The Princess Bride is a no brainer for me to - I can quote the movie too!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I am glad so many people seem to love it as much as me!

  5. I have GOT to read The Princess Bride. I'm a huge fan of the movie and own a copy of the book, I simply haven't got round to reading it yet. I've been trying to buy less new books so I can get my reading list down!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Under The Mountain Of Books

    1. Its one of those books I have multiple copies of so I am trying to get my sister to do a read-a-long of it with me! You should definitely read it soon!

  6. Chime! I love love love Chime! So glad to find someone else who loves this underrated book. I feel like rereading it now, haha!

    1. My sister and I read it and loved it and nobody else ever seems to have read it so I am beyond glad you loved it as well! It definitely needs more love!

  7. I cannot believe I haven't read The Princess Bride yet, especially since it's been one of my favorite movies since I was a kid! I really need to get to it!
    Stacy Renee @ LazyDayLiterature

    1. You definitely should, I love both the book and the movie!

  8. Fantastic list. You've made me really want to check out these books!

  9. Love Sophie Kinsella! Great list!

    1. She is amazing! I always get so excited when she has a new book out!

  10. This is a great list idea! Little known by amazing books. I haven't read any of the books you've mentioned exactly, but I do plan on getting to The Princess Bride, perhaps when I finish Me Before You!

    1. It has been one of my favourite Top Ten Tuesdays so far! You're reading Me Before You!? I love that book but it broke me! You will definitely need something fun like The Princess Bride once you finish it!
