
Wednesday 16 March 2016

Top 5 Fictional Items I Want

Top 5 Wednesdays are hosted by Lainey and you can find the goodreads group here if you're interested in taking part! (And I promise I did my best to avoid this becoming a Harry Potter post. I promise.)

1) A Stele - The Mortal Instruments
Ann: I feel like it would be a lot of fun to own a stele because then I would be able to draw runes all over myself and it would be amazing.

2) A Wand - Harry Potter 
Clare: I actually (along with all my siblings) have my own Harry Potter wand. Mine is Fleur's wand (I think she is hugely under-appreciated, plus the wand is pretty). But I would love a working one.
Ann: Like Clare said we all already have wands and I have Bellatrix Lestrange's wand because it looks so cool but it would be nice to own a real wand.

3) A Broomstick - The Worst Witch
Clare: See, I could easily have gone Harry Potter again. I love the Worst Witch series when I was younger. And I would love having a broomstick. Potentially uncomfortable seats aside, how cool would it be?

4) The Rampion - Lunar Chronicles
Clare: I'm not sure this needs explanation. You could go ANYwhere! A SPACESHIP! I mean come on!

5) A Magical Wardrobe - Chronicles of Narnia
Clare: Or for more specific travel - I want to go to Narnia. 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. OH I would LOVE to have a magic Wardrobe! Great Top 5 Wednesday!

    1. Wouldn't it be amazing! I'd love it so much! Thanks for visiting!

  2. I was thinking about a Wardrobe to Narnia :D

    1. I would love to visit Narnia - preferably after the Witch is gone...

  3. I want the Rampion too! If any of us gets it we should share :p

    1. I promise if I ever get a space ship I'll let you know! :P

  4. Only if we had real wands. Sigh.

    1. Much as I love my replica wand I want a real one so bad!
