
Wednesday 9 March 2016

Top 5 Books Featuring Time Travel

Top 5 Wednesdays are hosted by Lainey and you can find the goodreads group here if you're interested in taking part! I am actually not a huge fan of time travel - the whole concept with its paradoxes and rules baffles me!

1) A Traveller in Time by Alison Uttley
A Traveller In Time
This was actually a childhood favourite of mine - I read it so many times it completely fell apart and I haven't yet replaced it. This wasn't confusing at all and it's one of the first books that made me fall in love with the Tudors (and definitely the first to make me like Mary, Queen of Scots)!

2) Hourglass by Myra McEntire
Hourglass (Hourglass, #1)
I read this fairly recently and I have reviews up for each of the books in the series (Hourglass, Timepiece and Infinityglass). This was moderately confusing but I think if you can generally grasp time travel you'd be fine and I loved the characters.

3) City of Masks by Mary Hoffman
City of Masks (Stravaganza, #1)
Kind of time travel. The kids in this series travel to an alternate historical Italy. Each book in the series follows a different character, some I liked more than others, but overall I loved this series.

4) The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
The Time Traveler's Wife
I had seen very mixed reviews of this before I read it but I really enjoyed it (I did read it a long, long time ago so I don't know how I'd like it now). And I don't recall being confused by the time travel elements which is huge!

5) All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill 
All Our Yesterdays
This one didn't confuse me until right at the end when it completely lost me. I've heard there's a sequel either released or due to be released and I will definitely be looking to read it. 

And as a bonus - pretty much every Susanna Kearsley book ever! She is one of my all time favourite writers but her books are generally more of a time slip than actual time travel so I didn't think it was right to include her in the top 5.

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I like time travel stories but yes they can be confusing, and tricky to do right. These look interesting , especially All Our Yesterdays and Hourglass (like the cover on that one).

    1. When they're done right they're great but I so rarely read them! I love the covers for the Hourglass series!

  2. I like that I haven't read anything other than Time Travler's Wife on this list. Now I have some great recommendations! Thanks for sharing!

    Here's mine --> TOP 5 TIME TRAVEL

  3. I haven't read any of the books you've picked, but they sound great. Nice list! Here is mine:

    1. I do really like them! Thanks for visiting!

  4. I haven't read any of the books in your list but Hourglass sounds really good! It's cover is also kind of mysterious.

    1. I love the Hourglass series covers! And I really enjoyed the book too!

  5. I haven't read any of these, but I'd like to check them out! I do own The Time Traveler's Wife, I've just yet to actually read it. They all look interesting!

    1. The Time Traveler's Wife has very split opinions about it - I loved it but I know others who didn't!

  6. Great picks, Clare! I've had The Time Traveler's Wife on my bookshelf for so long. I'm definitely intrigued but for some reason I feel like it's going to be overly confusing with the back and forth. I should probably just pick up it and try it.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. I'm very easily confused but I don't remember finding The Time Traveler's Wife all that confusing. I know there is a little heading at the beginning of chapters to keep you aware of where in their lives you are.

  7. I'm quite interested in reading The Time Traveller's wife. Have you read H.G. Wells - The Time Machine?

    1. No I haven't! I saw the movie of it when I was a kid but I really want to read the book.

  8. I've heard of the City of Masks series but I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet - knowing that it has a time travelling element makes me feel much more inclined to pick it up :)

    1. It's a slight cheat since it's an alternate Italy rather than straight time travel but I really like the series!

  9. I haven't had the chance to read any of these books, but now I definitely want to. I love getting new recommendations from the Top 5 Wednesday group, and I'll definitely have to check some of these out :)

    1. That is definitely one of my favourite things about T5W - I've seen so many great books this week!

  10. I too loved a Traveler in time, although tough call over that or Tom's Midnight Garden for favourite. The idea of a door to escape the present seems irresistable.

    1. I like Tom's Midnight Garden but A Traveler in Time was one of my all time favourites as a kid so it definitely wins for me!

  11. There are a few of these I've not read and I love time travel books, so thank you for the recommendations! A Traveller in Time sounds really interesting!

    1. Making this post has made me really nostalgic for it and now I really want to re-read it! Loved that book!
