
Friday 11 March 2016

Friday Reads 11th March 2016

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice, the idea is to grab a book, turn to page 56 (or 56% in an e-book) and find any sentence (no spoilers!) and then post it. Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are currently reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence and impressions about the book.


Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)A Tale of Two Cities
I am still currently reading Scarlet and I am also still reading A Tale of Two Cities which I restarted reading just a few days ago because my English teacher decided that as long as I can prove that I have read a book then I can read whatever I want (before I had to read off a set list). I am really enjoying Scarlet but I am going to split up reading the lunar series because they are very big books and also Clare has told me that it would be best to do that because she found herself spending a long time reading the last one cause she didn't want the series to end.

Book Beginning:

'Scarlet was descending toward the alley behind the Rieux Tavern when her portscreen chimed from the passenger seat, followed by an automatic voice' -Scarlet

Friday 56:

'She extracted the bloodied ID chip and tossed it into a bundle of cords on the floor, before cutting a strip of cloth from his sleeve and letting him wrap it around the wound.' - Scarlet


Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)Grace & Style: The Art of Pretending You Have ItThe Warden
I am still currently reading Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare (sorry Ann!) and really enjoying it so far. Emma is a great main character but I am not all that in love with Jules yet. I like him as a character but not necessarily as a potential love interest but maybe he will grow on me! I am also loving Mark - he is exactly my kind of character all dark and twisted and possibly up to no good but also tortured and vulnerable and let down by everyone poor boy. I have also decided to start reading Grace & Style for something a little bit lighter, I really loved Grace's Guide last year so I have high hopes for this as well. I haven't been doing well on my reading-one-classic-a-month goal this year in that I've finished none yet, so I am hoping to turn that around by reading a fairly short one in The Warden. Its the first book in Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetshire which I've been longing to read so hopefully I will enjoy it (since I already have the rest of the series on my shelf!)

Book Beginning:

"Shadow Market nights were Kit's favourite." - Lady Midnight

Friday 56:

""Tiberius hid," said Drusilla. "In the barn.""It wasn't hiding," said Ty. "It was a strategic retreat." - Lady Midnight

The prologue actually isn't from Emma's POV it's from a boy called Kit who hasn't popped up again (not sure if he will later or not), it was quite intriguing and a good way of getting an outsiders view of Emma before her own. The second quote is an argument of sorts between two of Julian's younger siblings, I think they're great characters, very well fleshed out with individual personalities and I love their interactions which are so supportive with a side order of bickering which is very sibling-like! 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I lingered through the last Lunar Chronicles book because I didn't want the series to end too. I've also been curious about Lady Midnight. This week I am featuring Uprooted by Naomi Novik which I thought was amazing. Happy reading!

    1. I am currently reading a different book so that I can make the lunar chronicles last longer! I just started Lady Midnight and I am loving it! Thanks for visiting.

  2. I haven't read the Lunar series...or Cassandra Clare...but I did read A Tale of Two Cities...a hundred years ago or so. LOL.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “THE GIRL IN THE RED COAT”

    1. I definitely recommend that you read both the Lunar series and Cassandra Clare because I love them both! So far I am really enjoying A Tale of Two Cities. Thanks for visiting.

  3. I've read Scarlet, and I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing. :-)

    1. I really enjoyed it and cannot wait to read the next one soon! Thanks for visiting.

  4. I LOVED Scarlet! Heck, I loved them all!!
    I want to read Lady Midnight though!
    Happy weekend!

    1. I started reading Lady Midnight this morning and I am really enjoying it I just want to read it all in one go! Thanks for visiting.

  5. Everyone is talking about Lady Midnight, I hope you enjoy! Scarlet was such a good read too. Happy weekend!

    1. So far I am loving Lady Midnight and I know Clare really enjoyed it! Thanks for visiting. Have a nice week.

  6. I still haven't had the courage to start the last book. Love this series so much. LOL I'll cave soon though as it stares at me from my nightstand.

    My 56 -

    1. You should just go for it read it and then you can just reread the series that is what I do. Thanks for visiting.

  7. I so appreciate your A Tale of Two Cities choice. Dickens is so gripping. Scarlet's quote sounds promising, I'd like to read it.

    1. You should definitely read Scarlet it was such a good book I loved it! I am really enjoying A Tale of Two Cities so far and am hoping to finish it soon. Thanks for visiting.

  8. I have not read Scarlet yet but I do have it on my kindle - have not read Lady Midnight either - I want to read it though - both of these are good choices - here's my Friday meme

    1. You should read Scarlet it was amazing also loving Lady Midnight at the moment would definitely recommend. Have a nice week. Thanks for visiting.

  9. I just finished Winter not too long ago - I loved the series, but like you said I didn't want it to end either. I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on Lady Midnight. :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

    1. I've read Stars Above now as well and it went way too fast and just reminded me of how much I want to read more of the world!
      Lady Midnight was very good! Kind of different to the original series but I think that's probably a good thing!
