
Saturday 17 October 2015

Reading Habits Tag and Disney Princess Tag

Lillie at Little Lillie Reads recently did two tags; The Reading Habits Tag and the Disney Princess Tag. Both looked really fun so we've had a go at them here.

Reading Habits Tag:

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
Clare: I mostly read in my room because it's quieter and more comfortable and I can just focus better.
Ann: I like to read on my bed because it is really comfy and I have lots of pillows that I sit in.

Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Clare: I have a whole box full of bookmarks and I like selecting a bookmark that looks like it matches whatever I am reading. I'm reading a historical book at the moment so I have a historical looking bookmark with a hot air balloon on it.
Ann: I use both of them. When I can find a book mark I use it but if not I use a piece of paper.

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a certain chapter/a certain number of pages?
Clare: I used to be completely unable to stop reading except after an even numbered chapter but I've got over that a little bit now. I still have to read to the end of the chapter though. I can never stop in the middle.
Ann: I can stop half way through a chapter but I don't like to.

Do you eat or drink while reading?
Clare: Not usually. I do sometimes eat chocolate or have a drink but most of the time I like to get so absorbed in reading I forget I'm hungry.
Ann: I sometimes do but I always make sure to be careful because I don't like to ruin good books.

Multitasking: music or TV while reading?
Clare: Nope. I can't focus on reading if there is any noise. I know that I used to always listen to music when reading but now I have no idea how I managed it!
Ann: I sometimes do but only when it is on low volume. Although I don't really watch TV while reading.

One book at a time or several at once?
Clare: Well at the moment I am reading three books, but I usually read at least two at a time. I have challenged myself to read one classic book every month and I usually just read about 30 pages of it every day. 
Ann: I know I shouldn't read more than one book at a time but I do which is probably why it takes me so long to finish books.

Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Clare: Silently in my head. Sometimes I like the way something sounds and I say it out loud but mostly in my head.
Ann: Silently in my head. I really don't like reading aloud.

Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
Clare: I like keeping it like new but I sometimes struggle with that. It's why I prefer hardbacks because it's easier to keep them like new. I had a paperback I read last week that I had to break the spine on because I couldn't read it otherwise!
Ann: I am like Clare I don't like breaking the spine but sometimes I just happen to do it by accident.

Do you write in your books?
Clare: Nope. Never. I have tiny post it notes I will sometimes use but I would hate to write in a book!
Ann: Never! Books shouldn't be written on.

Disney Princess Tag:

Snow White: Name your favourite classic
Clare: I have a few for different reasons. I love North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell, Emma by Jane Austen and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. But I would probably have to go with A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. 
Ann: Anne of Green Gables! I loved it so much.

Cinderella: Name a book that kept you reading well past your bedtime
Clare: I have insomnia and I usually read when I can't sleep so this would probably be pretty much every book I read. But I recently read The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James and the creepiness of reading it at night meant there was no chance of me sleeping!
Ann: Pathfinders. I really enjoyed this book and just lost track of the time.

Aurora: Name your favourite classic romance
Clare: Have to say Jane and Rochester in Jane Eyre. I have read this book so many times I can recite whole passages from memory, my copy fell apart long ago and I've seen every adaptation of it that I possibly can. 
Ann: I don't really read classic romance. So I can't put anything.

Ariel: Name a book that's about sacrifices and fighting for your dreams
Clare: Going super literal here but The Cure for Dreaming by Cat Winters. The main character in this has to fight to get the right to her dreams and hopes because her father has a hypnotist try to get rid of them from her mind.
Ann: Well I suppose the main character in Timebound makes a sacrifice although I'm not going to say how because it might spoil it.

Belle: Name a book with a smart and independent female character
Clare: Since I apparently can't go without Harry Potter even once. Harry Potter. Not only do you have Hermione but also Ginny and Luna and so many other really smart, independent, great female characters.
Ann: Well thank you very much Clare for taking Hermione but I guess because you didn't really chose Luna I am going to go with her because she is awesome.

Jasmine: Name a book with a character who challenged the social conventions of his or her world
Clare: These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly. I will have a full review up for this on Monday but essentially I really liked how this book showed the social conventions forced on women and how the main character fought to get out of them.
Ann: I have gone blank I can think of so many films but no books.

Pocahontas: Name a book whose ending was a roller-coaster of emotions
Clare: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir (review here). The ending of this was so up and down and so intense. I can't wait for the sequel.
Ann: I don't really get very emotional when reading books but one book which was a roller-coaster of emotion was Allegiant which was so emotional.

Mulan: Name a book with a kick-ass female character
Clare: I really love Isabella from the Mortal Instruments. I just think she is great.
Ann: Again Clare, thank you very much for that. You know what I am going to go with Isabella from The Mortal Instuments too because she is one of my favourite book characters!

Tiana: Name a book featuring a hardworking, self made character
Clare: I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios. I enjoyed this book a lot more than I had perhaps expected to and I really liked how hard the main character worked. 
Ann: Umm wow why do I keep going blank on some of these questions cause I can't think of anything.

Rapunzel: Name a book that features an artist
Clare: For some reason my mind just blanked on this and all I could think of was Clary from the Mortal Instruments.
Ann: Same Clare that is all I can think of so I will have to go with the same as you again.

Merida: Name a book that features a mother/daughter relationship
Clare: I categorically refuse to chose the Mortal Instruments again. There aren't a great deal of mother/daughter relationships in books for some reason, I guess it's a bit like the fairy tale thing where parents are either absent or dead but it kinda sucks. I think I will choose Red by Alison Cherry. I loved that book, it was such an interesting concept and all the characters were great. 
Ann:  I think I actually will go with The Mortal Instruments because Clary's relationship with her Mum is great.

Anna and Elsa: Name a book that features a great relationship between siblings
Clare: Blood Red Road by Moira Young. The main character has a brother and a younger sister and her relationship with each of them is very different. It's the one with her younger sister I really love though since it grows throughout the series in a really great way.
Ann: Okay after a long time thinking I finally chose Magyk because in Magyk there a like 7 brothers and sisters and they all live in the same room and love each other so much it is awesome.

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading

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