
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish and you can find their post here. This is a fairly one sided list - since Ann doesn't buy a lot of books and is rather dependent on which books I buy, but she managed to sneak some in and there are definitely some that apply to both of us.

1) Deanna Raybourn
Clare: I love the Silent in the Grave series and when I finished it I branched out into her other books which are set in the 20s and found I loved them just as much if not perhaps more.

2) Jennifer E. Smith
Clare: I read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and it was really what got me into reading YA contemporary at all, so now I pre-order all her new books. Ann says she likes her books too.

3) Susanna Kearsley
Clare: Wow. Probably one of my favourite authors of all time, she writes time-split novels and, although I've tried, I haven't read anything quite like her stories and characters. So I always eagerly await her next book.

4) Rick Riordan
Clare: A new one for me, since I only read Percy Jackson this year (shame on me) but I now know I'd read pretty much anything Rick Riordan writes.

5) Kate Quinn
Clare: She has a series set in Rome which I love, and I recently learned she has what I think is a duology of Borgia novels. I love the Borgia's so I will definitely be reading them.

6) J.K. Rowling
Clare and Ann: I think she is probably on most people's lists. J.K. Rowling is an inspiration and a wonderful author and we would definitely read anything she writes.

7) Cassandra Clare
Clare and Ann: This is for both of us, we really love her and the mortal instruments world in general. Can't wait for her new series in 2016.

8) John Green
Clare and Ann: He will never be able to write books fast enough for us. He is amazing.

9) Angie Sage
Ann: This is for me since Clare never got around to reading any of her books but my Mum and I enjoy reading them together.

10) Lesley Livingston
Clare: I read Wondrous Strange and loved it so much Lesley Livingston automatically went on my favourite authors list. I pre-ordered all of her other trilogy purely based on my love of Wondrous Strange.
Ann: She's a wonderful author and her books are gripping, I would read anything she writes.

Gayle Forman: I am ashamed to say I completely forgot to put her down and just saw her on The Broke and the Bookish list and thought YES! Of Course! I love everything she writes.

You can find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) and on Twitter (Ann and Clare)


  1. Your list has reminded me of the authors that I need to read. For some stupid reason , I haven't read any Gayle Forman or Rick Riordon , I've heard nothing but fantastic things about them. Cassandra Clare made my list.
    My TTT:

    1. I held off on reading both of them for ages, because I didn't think they could possibly be that good. But Rick Riordan is hilarious and brilliant, and Gayle Forman's writing is so beautiful. Thanks for visiting

  2. Riordan's a popular choice this week! Great list!

    Check out my TTT and my current giveaway which ends tonight at midnight.

    1. Congratulations on the one year Blogoversary! Thats so great! Thanks for visiting!
