
Monday 17 August 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Book Tag

The Jennifer Lawrence Book Tag was originally made by Michael BookLion and was then altered by Tashapolis  which is the version we are doing.

1) Swearing off social media: A book you refuse to read?
Ann: All of the remaining Diary of a Wimpy Kid books. I read the first one and thought it was terrible although everyone in my class seems to love them.
Clare: Any of the Splintered books by A.G. Howard. I know everyone seems to love them but I tried to read the first book and I hated it. Sorry.

2) The Oscar trip: A book series that hit a snag?
Ann: The Divergent series hit a massive snag. Most of the series I've read haven't really hit snags.
Clare: The Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine. I feel like maybe it just went on too long. I did finish the series but it definitely started to drag.

3) The viral T-Swift photobomb at the Golden Globes: A book/series you didn't know would get so popular?
Ann: I tend to read books after they become popular so I can't think of an answer for this one.
Clare: The Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. I remember reading it way back when it first came out and nobody was really talking about it, and now it seems like it's everywhere.

4) Work with David O'Russel: Dysfunctional Character you can't help but love?
Ann: Sebastian from the Mortal Instruments is fairly dysfunctional. But I somehow love him anyway.
Clare: Alex from Made You Up. I only recently read this but I absolutely adore it and she was such a wonderful character.

5) Mystique: A villain who think's they're doing what's right?
Ann: President Snow thinks he's doing it for the welfare of the state but he really isn't.
Clare: I feel like this probably applies to most villains. But erm... Valentine from the Mortal Instruments series.

6) Bradley Cooper: What author do you find yourself always coming back to?
Ann: J.K. Rowling. Every time I want a book to read but don't know what to read I just read Harry Potter.
Clare: Eva Ibbotson. She only has a few "grown up" books, most of her books are for children, but I find I re-read her books a lot.

7) Spoiled for Homeland on National television: A plot line you were spoiled for?
Ann: Alice in Zombieland. My friends had all read it and spoiled it for me.
Clare: The ending of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Ruined. Spoiled.

8) The Hunger Games: Favourite high profile series?
Ann: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. A great, great book series.
Clare: Is it ok to actually say The Hunger Games? Because other than Harry Potter that would be it.

9) Everyone's Obsession With Being her Best Friend: A character who'd make your ultimate best friend?
Ann: Isabelle from the Mortal Instruments. She is so badass and awesome and I'd love a friend like that. She could teach me how to fight.
Clare: Ooh... I think my childhood favourites fit this best: Anne of Green Gables, Pollyanna and Katy from What Katy Did. And of course Jo March from Little Women.

10) Everything She's Ever Said: Favourite comedic/snarky character?
Ann: Simon from the Mortal Instruments (again), he seems to deal with things by getting snarkier and snarkier.
Clare: Harry Potter. He is so very, very sarcastic in the books (he lost a little sarcasm in the book to film translation). And Percy Jackson.

Bonus Questions: The questions from the original tag that were missed/changed in the altered version

Growing Up in Kentucky: Favourite book/series set in a rural area?
Ann: Anne of Green Gables my L.M. Montgomery. It's the classic I am reading this month and the description of the farm is just so amazing.
Clare: Magnolia by Kristi Cook. I read this almost entirely because of the setting and it was very good, in quite a fluffy way.

Discovery on the Streets of NY: A little known book you found whilst browsing and ended up loving?
Ann: Ash by Malinda Lo. I found it browsing in the school library and ended up loving it. I definitely agree with Clare's choice as well.
Clare: Chime by Franny Billingsley. I was browsing Amazon and saw the cover, which is gorgeous and took a chance and ended up loving it so much.

Beginnings on TV into Film: A series that gets better with each installment?
Ann: Hunger Games, it just gets more and more exciting and Katniss grows as a character.
Clare: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. Starts good, gets great and then gets phenomenal. I can't wait for Queen of Shadows!

J-Law and Chris Martin: Favourite book by a collaboration of authors?
Ann: Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. It's the only collaboration I've read but I also really liked it. The film was awful.
Clare: Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle. I love the individual stories and how they came together.

You can find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) and on Twitter (Ann and Clare)

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