
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Disney Book Tag

The Disney Book Tag was created by Katytastic (You can find her video here) . Since we love Disney and we love books we thought we'd give this a try.

1) The Little Mermaid- A character who is out of their element, a "fish out of water".
Ann: For this one I picked Meghan from the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa. She has to go from the "normal" world into the faery world which is not her element.
Clare: I chose Lilac LaRoux from These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner. She comes from a really priveleged, safe world and the events of the book take her so far from that and she has to find a way to cope.

2) Cinderella - A character who goes through a major transformation.
Ann: Clary from the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. She becomes stronger throughout the series and learns so much about herself and her powers.
Clare: I had to go for Elisa from the Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy by Rae Carson. The girl she is at the end of the series is so, so different from who she was at the start, she goes through so much and it changes her. She is so much stronger by book 3.

3) Snow White - A book with an eclectic cast of characters.
Ann: Magyk by Angie Sage, all the characters have different specialties and personalities, its what makes it such a great book, no two characters are the same.
Clare: I went for what is possibly an obvious answer, the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. All the characters are so unique and wonderful and I loved reading about all of them.

4) Sleeping Beauty - A book that put you to sleep.
Ann: Suspicion by Alexandra Monir, I just gave up on that book because it was just so dull. To be fair I got a great nap out of it!
Clare: I struggled with this a bit at first but I decided to pick the Wicked Lovely series by Melissa Marr. I am reading it at the moment and I am just not making any progress.

5) The Lion King - A character who had something traumatic happen to them in childhood.
Ann: Harry Potter, when he was 2 his parents were murdered and almost murdered himself. And if that wasn't traumatic enough he then had to grow up with the Dursleys.
Clare: Caelena from the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas. I cant go into it without spoilers but wow. Kinda traumatic.

6) Beauty and the Beast - A beast of a book (a big book) that you were intimidated by but found the story to be beautiful.
Ann: The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, it was so daunting when I was 11 that I got Clare to read it to me instead. But in the end I loved it.
Clare: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. It was my first Dickens and I tried a couple of times to read it but failed because it was so daunting but when I finally did it I found I loved it and now it's one of my favourites.

7) Aladdin - A character who gets their wish granted for better or worse.
Ann: Lila from Hunting Lila by Sarah Alderson. She wishes for her brother's best friend to fall for her but when he does its in the middle of a terrible situation.
Clare: I cheated a little for this and went for As You Wish by Jackson Pearce which is an actual wish granting. The main character in it, Viola, gets a Jinn to grant three wishes. But all does not go to plan.

8) Mulan - A character who pretends to be someone or something they are not.
Ann: Katniss Everdeen, she pretends to be in love with Peeta to gain audience support. There are a lot of times during the books when events force her to be someone she is not.
Clare: Anna from The Secret Countess by Eva Ibbotson. This is one of all time favourite books and Anna has to be a maid in a household in England because of the russian revolution.

9)  Toy Story - A book with characters you wish would come to life.
Ann: Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, me and my friends all loved this book and the characters and it would be so great to meet them.
Clare: Harry Potter. This series is so much a part of me and my childhood. But it just occurred to me I'd have to be really selective, I dont think anybody wants Voldemort to come to life.

10) Disney Descendants - Your favourite villain or morally ambiguous character.
Ann: Sebastian from The Mortal Instruments. Even though I was supposed to hate him I wound up loving his character because he is so well written and complex and so interesting.
Clare: Warner from the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi. I really hated him in the first book but by the end of the second book I was completely rooting for him and by the end of the third I was completely in love with him. Such a great character.

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