
Sunday 20 September 2015

Sunday Wrap Up 20th September

The Sunday Post STSmall_thumb[2]

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer, it's a chance to post a recap on the past week, show the books we have received and share what we plan for the coming week. Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Showcase Sunday is hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea and the aim is to show our newest books and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops or downloaded on to their e-reader.

Last Week on the Blog:
Books We Got This Week:
Ash & BrambleMaid of Wonder (Maids of Honor #3)The Light Between OceansFor the RecordDead Ringer
Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas: I have already read this and you can see some of my thoughts in our Reading Update. I will have a full review of this up next week.
Maid of Wonder by Jennifer McGowan: Actually a bit smaller than I expected which I can't say I'm not disappointed about. It's just as pretty a hardcover as the first two were, I am currently reading this.
The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman: Someone I used to work with recommended this to me a while ago and so when I saw it in a charity shop I snapped it up. I am not entirely sure what its about but it looks good and it won a goodreads choice award.
For the Record by Charlotte Huang: I've seen this book around a lot lately so I am excited to read it.
Dead Ringer by Jessie Rosen: I am trying to read more thrillers and scary books lately, and especially with Halloween coming up. This also sounds vaguely Rebecca-esque which I usually love.

Reading Update:
I had another slow reading week this week. I haven't been feeling well and school has been getting intense. But I did manage to finish one book.
Life on the Refrigerator Door

Life on the Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers: 4 stars. It was very good but not amazing, I enjoyed it and read it fairly quickly.

I had a surprisingly good reading week this week, mostly as a result of having nothing to do. And it's a good thing because I am starting a job trial next week so wont have as much reading time.
These Shallow GravesMad About the HatterThis Is One MomentThe Rest of Us Just Live HereMore Than ThisAn Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1)Ash & Bramble
These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly: 3.5 stars. I will have a review up closer to the release date. I thought the idea was good but the mystery was way too easy and the main character was immature and often annoying.
Mad About the Hatter by Dakota Chase: 3.5 stars. A good, quick read. Very funny but not necessarily much depth, which was probably just because it was a very short read.
This is One Moment by Mila Gray: 4 stars. I really enjoyed this, I was wary of a potential love triangle but it wasn't really a love triangle in that sense and overall I liked the characters.
The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness: 4.5 stars. Really funny and original. The mental health aspects were really well written, there was a conversation that the main character had with his therapist that was very real to me. I should have a full review up tomorrow for this.
More Than This by Patrick Ness: 4.5 stars. I don't think I will be writing a review on this if only because I am still a little confused. In a good way. I loved the characters and the whole mystery about what was going on was brilliantly done. I think this would probably make a great film. 
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir: 5 stars. That was way more brutal than I had been expecting! Really, really good and I am looking forward to the sequel! My review for this will be posted on Thursday.
Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas: 4 stars. Really enjoyable, loved the heroine. I will have a full review up on Friday.

Classics Update:
Little Women (Little Women, #1)The Wings of the Dove
Ann: I am not doing as well as I would have liked, I am finding it hard to read because Clare's copy is so well read I feel like the pages are going to fall out! I haven't read any more of it this week.
Clare: I am now on page 473 (152 pages to go!) and it is going OK, I wouldn't say I love this book but it is enjoyable. I think I may try to watch the film once I have finished reading it.

Next Week on the Blog:
  • Cover Characteristics: Water
  • Review: The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness
  • Top Ten Books on my Fall TBR
  • Top 5 Title Fonts on Covers
  • Review: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
  • Review: Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas
  • Review: Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) and on Twitter (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. I love the ash and bramble cover. I also like the maid of wonder I usually don't like people on covers. Have a great week.

    Megan @

    1. I am usually not a fan of people on covers either, but I really like the Maid of Honor series covers. Thanks for visiting!

  2. All the books look so good. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I hope you have a great week too and thanks for visiting!

  3. Looks like a great haul! I'm keeping an eye on For the Record. It sounds like I might enjoy it. I'm also looking forward to reading This is One Moment, too.

    Have a great week!

    1. This is One Moment was very good! I am excited for For the Record, it definitely sounds good so I should read it soon. Thanks for visiting

  4. I tried to get into Ash and Bramble, but just couldn't. I loved An Ember in the Ashes also, but that is a different looking cover, a pretty cool one though!
    Check out my Sunday Post

    1. I've seen very mixed reviews of Ash & Bramble, it seems like a very marmite book. I was really surprised when my An Ember in the Ashes arrived because I had seen the other cover everywhere, but this cover looks great in reality and its one of those stroke-able covers which I love! Thanks for visiting
