
Friday 18 September 2015

Friday Reads and Friday 56 With Book Beginnings 18th September

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice, the idea is to grab a book, turn to page 56 (or 56% in an e-book) and find any sentence (no spoilers!) and then post it. Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are currently reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence and impressions about the book.


The Talisman RingLittle Women (Little Women, #1)Nimona
I am not feeling very well at the moment and so, with school starting and everything, I haven't been reading a lot lately. I am currently reading The Talisman Ring which I am really enjoying. I am also still reading my Classic for the month which is Little Women. I am making my way through Nimona at the moment as well and really enjoying it, it is an awesome read.

Book Beginnings:
I am pretty sure I have already used both The Talisman Ring and Little Women before. I haven't reached page 56 of of Nimona yet and I don't want to spoil myself but here is the first page. 


The Wings of the DoveAn Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1)Ash & BrambleMaid of Wonder (Maids of Honor #3)
I am still reading The Wings of the Dove by Henry James, I think this might take me the whole month to finish just because it is fairly difficult to read more than a couple of chapters at a time. I am aiming to get to between pages 450-500 by the end of this weekend. I have also just started An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir which I have been looking forward to reading for a long time. I have a lot of free time this weekend so I will then be reading Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas and hopefully starting Maid of Wonder by Jennifer McGowan.

Book Beginning:
"My big brother reaches home in the dark hours before dawn, when even ghosts take their rest. He smells of steel and coal and forge. He smells of the enemy." - An Ember in the Ashes
I really like this opening, it really sets the tone and got me excited to continue reading. Also, the mention of ghosts makes me wonder? Are there actual ghosts in this book or is she just trying to show how very late he is? Cause I would love some ghosts. So far this book has been fairly action packed and lots of menacing characters. I am really looking forward to reading more.

Friday 56:
"A dark emotion stirs within me as I think of everything I have suffered at this man's hands. A wild almost violent urgency fills me up and seems to pulse in my very veins. It lurks beneath the surface of my skin, eager to be set free.I will show them all." - Page 56, Maid of Wonder
In all the previous books Sophia has seemed so quiet. I thought I'd tease myself for starting this book and boy did it work. Now I really want to know who made her that angry. And how she is going to show them all? I was already excited for this book and now I can hardly wait to get to it because I just know Sophia is going to be spectacular.

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) and on Twitter (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading


  1. Replies
    1. I am loving it! I am not very far through yet. Thanks for visiting!

  2. That is definitely some image-invoking writing. Thanks for sharing, and kudos for slogging through the Henry James!

    1. I feel so mixed about Henry James, sometimes I really like his writing and other times its just so tough to get through! Thanks for visiting!

  3. You sure have a lot of books going at once. Hope you enjoy them all.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

    1. We're enjoying them so far! Thanks for visiting

  4. I need to read Nimona! I hope you enjoy An Ember in the Ashes! :)

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

    1. Nimona was amazing! I loved it and I know Ann is enjoying it. And An Ember in the Ashes is great so far. Very brutal! Thanks for visiting

  5. Ember in the Ashes sounds so great. What an interesting combination of books. Ember in the Ashes and Little Women are both on my TBR (well Little Women is a reread). Hope you enjoy them all!

    1. An Ember in the Ashes is really good so far! Thanks for visiting

  6. All of your reads sound so amazing! I hadn't heard of Nimona yet, but it looks like so much fun! And one of my friends loves An Ember in the Ashes, so I should probably give that a try soon. I can totally see how that teaser from Maid of Honour has you excited to get started, I hope it lives up to your new expectations! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Nimona was a really fun read but also it had surprising depth to it! I can't believe it's taken me this long to read An Ember in the Ashes, I've had it since it first came out but the hype kept putting me off! But so far it seems the hype is deserved! Thanks for visiting

  7. I have been curious about An Ember in the Ashes, and now you have definitely piqued my interest. I am also intrigued by Maid of Wonder, too. Enjoy! Here's mine: “HOUSE OF GLASS”

    1. I am nearly at the end of An Ember in the Ashes and it's definitely very intense! Thanks for visiting

  8. I love that your post features multiple books. I hadn't thought to use a different book for Book Beginnings than I did for Friday 56.

    1. An Ember in the Ashes was really action packed from the start so I was slightly worried about spoilers! But if we're reading more than one book at a time sometimes it just makes sense to use one for each! Thanks for visiting

  9. Wow - two very powerful and intense quotes!! My Friday 56

  10. Reading some great books! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  11. I really like the beginning of An Ember in the Ashes. I read it not too long ago and really enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy it, Clare.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. I did really enjoy it! It was way more intense than I had expected! Thanks for visiting

  12. I've not heard or Nimona. Looks fun though. Lots of nice books there. Henry James is hot or miss with me.

    My 56 -

    1. Thats exactly how I feel about Henry James. Some of his books are great, others I can't get through. Nimona is a really great read! Thanks for visiting

  13. I hope you feel better soon, Ann!
    The beginning for, Ember in the Ashes, is pretty powerful! Maid of Wonder sounds pretty exciting too! I hope she does break free, and possibly break her captor in the meantime?!
    Happy weekend!

    1. Ember in the Ashes was very intense. I have only just started Maid of Wonder but it's pretty great so far! Ann says she is feeling a bit better and thank you for wishing her well! Happy weekend and thanks for visiting!

  14. Great book beginning! I do love a good comic, Nimona looks pretty good!
    Have a great day,
    Amy x

    1. Nimona was really surprising and very good! Thanks for visiting
