
Friday 25 September 2015

Friday Reads 25th September 2015

Friday 56 is hosted at Freda's Voice, the idea is to grab a book, turn to page 56 (or 56% in an e-book) and find any sentence (no spoilers!) and then post it. Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader to share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are currently reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence and impressions about the book.

Timebound (The Chronos Files, #1)The Talisman RingMore Weird Things Customers Say in BookshopsNimonaJust Like the Movies (If Only . . ., #7)
I have finished read Weird Things People Say in Bookshops which was really funny. I am currently reading Timebound, The Talisman Ring, More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops, Nimona and Just Like The Movies

More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops

Book Beginning:

"Bookseller: Hi. Can I help you find anything?Customer: Yes. This is your history section, right?Bookseller: Yep.Customer: I can see you've got books on World War I and World War II.Bookseller: Yes, we do.Customer: But I can't find any books on World War III. Where are those?"

Friday 56:

"Do you fantasise about marrying one of your customers?" 

The Wings of the DoveThe Language of FlowersNot Without You (paperback)Ember IslandLighthouse Bay
I am hoping to finish The Wings of the Dove by Henry James this weekend. I am quite proud of myself for getting through this. It's not my favourite Henry James, and he can be quite difficult to read in my opinion but I did really like the characters. I am feeling a bit slumpy at the moment, mostly because I am waiting on Six of Crows and finding it nearly impossible to get myself interested in anything else at present. So I thought I'd just start right at the beginning of my TBR shelf (which is organised by genre - and so I have romance/contemporary first) and just read as far as I can. This means I am starting with The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh, I have had this book (not even kidding) for literally years. It was an impulse bargain buy and its always intrigued me but I was intimidated by it for some reason! Then I will be reading Not Without You by Harriet Evans, which is a time split novel, as are the remaining two on my weekend TBR Ember Island and Lighthouse Bay by Kimberley Freeman. For both Harriet Evans and Kimberley Freeman, I have previously read books by them and enjoyed them although I wasn't massively blown away. 

The Language of Flowers
Book Beginning:
"For eight years I dreamed of fire. Trees ignited as I passed them; oceans burned."
I am assuming she is talking metaphorically, I feel like that would be a pretty terrible power to have! But I am wondering why she is dreaming of fire? Did something happen to her?

Friday 56:
"With money in my backpack the city felt new." 
I'm getting the impression the main character doesn't have the best life in general, but I love her optimism in this paragraph. 

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) and on Twitter (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading 


  1. THE LANGAUAGE OF FLOWERS was a fun book for our book club. We discussed flowers a lot, which was just a side note, don't you think? I really liked NIMONA. In fact, we included it on our Mock Printz list this week.

    Happy Reading.
    My Friday Quotes

    1. I really enjoyed the flowers in The Language of Flowers, I find the whole idea of sending messages with flowers so fascinating. But I think it was the relationships between characters that made the book so compelling. I loved Nimona when I read it, it was my first graphic novel but I just adored it! Thanks for visiting

  2. From both sets of books, the only one I've heard of is Nimona. But the quotes from the book store were really funny and make me want to read that book.

    The other friday book sounds kind of mysterious and Im wondering why I haven;t heard of it before.

    My Friday 56: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I cannot stop laughing while reading the book store one. It is so funny! Thanks for visiting!

  3. I love the sound of 'Weird Things People Say in Bookstores'! Who asks for books about a war that never happened?! I also loved your teasers from Nimona earlier this week, I'm definitely keeping my eye on that one! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Weird Things People Say in Bookstores was so funny! Filled with more things like that. Nimona is such a great book I am loving it! Thanks for visiting!

  4. Both of these books are great pics! I really loved the beginning of "Weird things People Say in Bookstores" I love the beginning of The Language of Flowers - does make me wonder why she is thinking of fire so much. Here's My Book Beginnings and Friday 56

    1. There was a really good reason why! It was quite an important part of the book in the end! Thanks for visiting

  5. Both choices sound wonderful, and I actually read and LOVED The Language of Flowers. The cover on your copy is so gorgeous....better than the copy I own...LOL.

    Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “THE HOUSE OF MEMORIES”

    1. I've seen the other cover and I definitely prefer mine! I've just finished it and I thought it was so wonderful. Really beautifully written and so compelling. If I'm honest I wasn't expecting much so it definitely blew me away! Thanks for visiting

  6. Nice beginning.

    I enjoyed EMBER ISLAND. Lots of good books here.

    Lighthouse Bay looks good too.

    Have a great weekend.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

    1. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Ember Island, makes me more confident to start reading it! Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting!

  7. I like the sound of the Weird Things book, it sounds like a riot! Hope you two have a lovely weekend!

    1. I read it a while back and thought it was very funny and I know Ann loved it. Thanks for visiting!

  8. Weird Things sounds delightful!
    Language of Flowers is a beautiful cover, and I like the sounds of it too!
    Happy weekend!

    1. Language of Flowers was a great book, and Weird Things is a fun book for a quick read! Thanks for visiting
