
Wednesday 8 February 2017

Top 5 Book Trends I Am Tired Of

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly feature and you can find the goodreads group here. I found this a very hard topic because I couldn't think of any book trends at first.

1) Teacher - Student Relationships
I don't really like teacher - student relationships they are kind of weird and awkward, I have read and enjoyed some books with them in but only when they are done really well.

2) Dystopian Worlds
I love dystopian books but I think that a lot of them sound very similar and most of the basic plots have been over done and it is getting frustrating now!

3) Time Travel
I really enjoy books with time travel in but I get very confused and bored of them sometimes when the time travel is being described and it is very difficult to understand sometimes which is really annoying!

4) Love Triangles
At first I really enjoyed love triangles because I loved trying to figure out who was going to end up with who. However now they just frustrate me, probably because I always think they will end differently which is annoying.

5) Instalove
I hate Instalove it is so annoying and unrealistic, you don't fall in love with someone as soon as you meet them it just doesn't happen ever and is so annoying in books when they try to make it seem realistic!

You can also find us on Goodreads (Ann and Clare) to keep up with what we are reading.


  1. I completely dislike instalove too!! It's a total annoyance!!

    1. I know! I think that it is just so unrealistic.

  2. Bleh, I totally relate on 1, 2, and 4. Occasionally, a love triangle is done well -The Lost Shards series by Charlie Pulsipher comes to mind- but usually they're just there to heighten drama and add angst. :P

  3. Time travel is one of my favorite things - when it's done well. :)

  4. Love triangles be gone! They can be done well, but for the most part there's too many wishy washy feelings to endear them.
